Chapter Seven

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Just as Paula suspected, Eddie didn't show or call the following day, and she made her way to the train station the same way she had left, by taxi on her own.

Anyway, she told herself, it wasn't as if he promised that he would be there, he told if he could, and obviously it turned out that he couldn't, so she wasn't going to make a big deal out of it.

She wasn't exactly sure what was going on between them, even though they had openly admitted there was an attraction between them, and they had even dared to act on it, as they had done on the rooftop of the building last night.

Paula just couldn't figure out why Eddie was blowing hot and cold with her, giving her mixed signals.

She didn't quite know where she stood with him after the night before, leaving her confused.

But now as she sat on the train, as it sped her back home, she recalled his family and Sarah's complaints about Eddie's lack of communication and interest with them It was apparent he was not very good about committing to personal relationships as he was to his job and career.

She began wondering if he was worried getting involved with her might interfere with his dedication to his job, perhaps he didn't want the distraction. If that was the case, she wasn't going to stand in his way. Which was why she decided she wasn't going to even bother to phone, or try get in contact with him.

As for her short trip to London and the time they had spent together, she decided to philosophically mark it as a learning curve, to remind her to never to follow through on a crazy impulse again.

Still, she tried to look on the bright side. After all it hadn't been so bad, and Paula decided that she could to write it down as a 'one off' almost  pleasant experience, which she could look back on, and recall that it was a different  than her usual boring weekends even it it had ended on a bit of a sour note.

She was just glad Eddie's sister Sarah, didn't know anything about it, and Paula had no intention of ever telling her either. She decided the best thing she could do, was to just put Eddie completely out of her mind, But that was not easy to do when she started to unpack, and she came across the dress she had bought, then wore when he had taken her for dinner, the night before.

Now all the memories came flooding back, especially when they had been up on the roof, and the feel of his hands on her body and his mouth on hers, sending a renewed flood of heat and longing through her body just thinking about it.

"Damn you Eddie Conway!" she found herself muttering in annoyance, before flinging the dress across the corner of the room and deciding to go get a shower.


Paula slept through the rest of the afternoon, she was tired after the journey and she had hardly closed her eyes, tossing and turning the night before thinking about Eddie and what had happened between them, trying to get her head around his odd behaviour, in the end she had wearily given up.

So when she woke up, and she realised it was starting to grow dark outside her bedroom window, she reckoned she must have slept for about two hours straight, yet she still didn't feel rested.

She got up, deciding to make herself something to eat, but before doing so, she found herself picking up her mobile phone to check if there was any messages.

There were some  voice messages from Sarah and her boss from the café, but then she noticed that she had also received a text message from Eddie which made her stomach tighten with renewed tension.

She had fallen asleep still annoyed with him, and even now, she was just tempted to delete the text message from him without even looking at it, thinking that would send him a clear message, and teach him a lesson.

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