Chapter Thirteen

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Eddie was pleased after Paula commended him on his cooking, but she insisted on being the one to put the dishes in the dishwasher afterwards when they had finished eating, as a thank you, after all his hard work of going to the effort of feeding her.

But as he stood leaning against the kitchen counter watching her bend down over the dishwasher, as she put the dirty dishes in it, he found himself appreciating the length and shape of her dusky legs from underneath his shirt, she was wearing. So, when she straightened up and pressed the button to start the machine, he was over beside her, trapping her willingly in his arms, and proceeded to kiss her very thoroughly on the mouth, which eventually led the both of them returning to the bedroom again.

Later, contented, they lay in each others arms in his bed dozing off to sleep when the Paula heard the sound of her phone pinging, telling her someone had send her some sort of message, wondering if it might be someone from work, she reached out for it where it sat on Eddie's night stand to give it a quick check

Looking on her messenger she realised the message was from Sarah, who was in Greece on her holiday. Paula was a little surprised that her friend had the time or inclination to message her, they had only flown out the day before, and imagined Sarah was otherwise occupied. But, as she clicked on the message, it was short and brief, just to inform her that the weather was great and the hotel was fantastic as was the food, and they were having a great time. Then, as if to prove it send some pics of their hotel room and the view from the balcony of the beach,

What is it?" Eddie asked with idle interest, noting Paula's smile

"It's your sister Sarah, letting me know what a great time they are having in Greece" she replied, about to put the phone down again, not thinking Eddie would care

"Let me see," he replied, now grabbing her phone from her to check the message from his sister. He scrolled through the message and the photo's with mild interest, "hmm, very nice" he remarked in a tone that matched his expression. And before Paula had any inkling of his intentions, she found herself being quickly crushed against him as he kissed her mouth, whilst taking a selfie of them

"Mmm, what are you doing?" Paula pulled away to ask in slight bewilderment, as he then proceeded to send the photo he had just taken back to his sister Sarah, and then deftly typed in below it 'We are having a great time too' whilst grinning with mischief as he sent it, "there, that will give her something to talk about" he smirked in satisfaction

"Eddie!" Paula exclaimed in dismay, now sitting up and snatching the phone from him to check he had really sent it, then realised he had, her alarm grew, "Have you lost your mind? You do know Sarah is going to explode when she sees that pic, I thought you didn't want me to tell her, cause you didn't want to have listen to her? You do know she is going to go bonkers at you!" she then reminded him

"Well she is going to find out sometimes, so it's better she learns it when she is in Greece, far away and too preoccupied to have a go at me. I can't imagine she will want to waste her money on phoning us from there, to give me a lecture about ruining your life, hopefully by the time she gets back, the steam will not be coming out of her ears" he grinned.

"Oh, why did you do that? I don't think I could handle it if she phoned me now, demanding to know what was going on" Paula realised, frowning worriedly at the thought of it.

"Then its best you turn your phone off for the rest of the night" Eddie suggested easily

"I think I will be turning it off for the rest of the weekend" Paula replied, but now now giggling as she got over the shock of Eddie's actions, and seeing the funny side of it. She was now trying to imagine her friend's face when she saw the photo of her and Eddie in the rather compromising position, and now she hastily turned her phone off, just in case. "You have probably spoilt her holiday now y'know" she then reprimanded Eddie,  slapping him lightly on the bare shoulder, whilst trying to sound annoyed, but failing as it was followed with a grin

"Good," Eddie replied unrepentantly, "That will teach her to rub it in, and show off, going on about her lovely hotel room, and the beach to you, thinking that you care"

"You are so bad!" Paula remonstrated with him again, "and you deserve all you get, when Sarah returns and gives you hell!"

"I don't care, it was worth it, I just wish I could see her face though" he then said with a hint of regret, whilst still smirking.

At that moment the sound of his phone rang made them both still, and exchange wary looks

"I bet that's her" Paula finally spoke in a hushed tone, biting down on her lip to stop herself giggling.

"You think?" Eddie grinned, turning to pick up his phone to check, "Hmm" he then remarked screwing up his nose in slight irritation, that told Paula she had been correct, "It seems I will be turning my phone off over the weekend too" he then said and hastily did so, making Paula chuckle

"Seems she thought it would be worth the money after all" she taunted him

"Then I will save her the dosh by not answering her, so she should thank me for my thoughtfulness" he drawled

"She will be going nuts, the last thing she will want to do is thank you" Paula replied laughingly, feeling a little bad for her friend, imagining her frustration, that neither of them were answering her calls. But she just could listen to the barrage of questions Sarah might throw at her right now, when Eddie would be listening in.

"Let's forget about her, I can think of more interesting things we could be doing" Eddie replied with a wolfish grin his hands going down to slide up Paula's leg, and as he pulled her closer to kiss her again Paula found it an agreeable way to get her concerns about Sarah, out of her mind.

The rest of the weekend went in far too fast for Paula, and soon she found herself reluctantly packing her belongings again for going home.

 Eddie offered to drive her back. but, she told him she preferred to get the train, as she didn't want him having the long journey going back and forward when he had to get to work the following morning, reminding him they had gotten little sleep in the time they had spent together over the weekend, the last thing she needed was for him to fall asleep at the wheel.

So, he drove her to the train station, and gave her one more lingering kiss, before she boarded the train. She promised she would phone him to let him know she got back alright. Paula tried to keep up a cheerful demeanour, but it was far from the way she was feeling inside, and as the train started to pull out of the station, she found her heart was a little heavy, and she was already missing him.

To distract herself she turned on her phone, and noticed the multiple messages from Sarah, which made her bite down on her lip in realisation that  her friend was going to be asking a lot of questions. She clicked on the first one and read it "WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!! ANSWER YOUR PHONE WILL YOU!!"

Despite knowing Sarah was going to give off about her getting involved with her brother, Paula couldn't help giggling at the ridiculousness of it all, and instead of doing what Sarah requested, she turned her phone off again, deciding it could wait until she got home and unpacked.

Eddie meanwhile, had returned to his apartment also feeling oddly down. He wasn't sure why? After all he had a great weekend with Paula, it had gone better than he planned, so he should be pleased; and he was. Except now, as he wandered into the bedroom and saw the tangled sheets on the bed, it only served as a reminder of his time with her,  and he was realising his apartment felt strangely empty  there was now  a void without her presence.

  Forcing himself not to dwell on it too much, he decided to tidy up, and return to focusing on getting himself ready for getting back to work. realising he had to get a proper sleep.

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