Chapter Six

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"So where are we going now?" Paula found herself enquiring a little warily, a half an hour or so later, after they had finished their meal, and left the restaurant to return to Eddie's car. They were driving along the busy road, and she was wondering if perhaps he intended to return her to her hotel.

"Well I thought I would take you on my own little sightseeing tour," Eddie informed her.

"Oh, what are we going to see?" Paula perked up a bit at this information.

"You will just have to wait and find out," Eddie replied, sounding all vague and mysterious, which only raised her curiosity even more.

Eddie wasn't sure if it was just the fall-out from the tension of the last few days, and combined with the glass of wine he had just drank, along with Paula's company, but he was feeling in a reckless frame of mind. Underneath he knew he was playing a slightly dangerous game tonight. telling Paula that he was interested in her, prompting her to admit she was interested in him also.

The sensible part in his brain was warning him that getting even more emotionally involved with her, wasn't exactly the best decision under the circumstances of his recent discovery of her mother, and how it all affected the latest case he was working on.

But he pushed all those concerns to the back of his mind, refusing to dwell on it, deciding it was worth the risk, and he didn't mind living dangerously. After all that was why he had chosen the police force as his career.

He needed to relax and chill out, and so did Paula. So why shouldn't they enjoy each other's company?  They were both consenting adults. To hell with whatever happened from whatever fallout there was between them tonight, he would deal with the consequences another day.

He finally brought his car to a halt in a small back street surrounded by tall buildings and some industrial estates on the other side.

It was not exactly picturesque, in fact it felt rather desolate and a little eerie in the darkness of the night under the dull yellow glow of the street lights.

Paula glanced around at Eddie in bewilderment, "This is your idea of sightseeing?" she queried with an arched eyebrow.

He grinned as he removed his seatbelt, "be patient" he replied, "I promise you it will be worth it" He then opened the car door, to get out.

Intrigued, Paula also undid her seat belt, and opened the car door to join him, feeling a little more secure when she felt his hand grasp hers. He led her down the street along the alleyway along the side of one of the tall buildings, until he brought them out onto the front of it in the busy crowded street.

She wasn't sure exactly what the building was,  it might have been apartments, or  hotel  maybe an office block, except that he took her through the glass front door into the green carpeted foyer and where he then proceeded to go over to press the button for the elevator.

What is this place?" she asked as they stepped into the elevator , and Eddie pressed the button which would take them to the top floor, "Is this where you live?"

"No, not exactly." he replied, remaining vague  much to her frustration, as she wondered where on earth he was taking her. When they reached the top floor which led onto a long hallway, He walked across, still holding her hand and led her through a door, which had a green 'fire exit' sign above it.

It led to some more stairs  which they climbed came face to face  another heavier metal door, which Eddie now opened, and Paula realised they were on the large flat roof of the building.

"Here you go, our final destination at last" Eddie announced happily.

"I-I don't understand, why have you brought me here?" Paula demanded. more bewildered than before.

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