Chapter Eleven

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When it came down to bringing serious criminals to justice, it  always gave Eddie a certain adrenalin rush, when it came to catching them out in the act.  Especially whilst they were unaware of the  secret surveillance that they were under. Then, it was followed by the stealth of finally making your move quickly, perhaps going into danger, and not knowing what was going to happen next, whilst  just hoping for the right result this time,  

And that was exactly how it felt for him, when they finally moved in on Coulter at the crucial time,  and  they caught him with the known drug dealer in the building where Lorna had overheard them agreeing to meet.

Thankfully, it had been a success. 

They had totally taken them by surprise, so in the end, there was no chance of them escaping with the building surrounded. Coulter was led away protesting his innocence, still claiming that he knew nothing about his companion being a drug dealer, and he wasn't involved in such things, that it was all a big mistake. Eddie didn't care too much about Coulter's claims of innocence.

He knew he would probably have a good lawyer, who would help try get him off no doubt. But just by finding him in that building with the drug dealer was enough for the police to look into Coulter's so called 'legitimate business' and have access to all his information that should lead to them getting even more evidence to prove what crimes he was really into.

All in all, it had been a good result much to his relief, and he happily slapped his partner Jack's back in congratulations, once they got back to the police station.

But there was also another matter to attend to.

Jack decided it would be best if he helped Lorna McKay relocate somewhere else, well out of the way, for the sake of precaution and her safety after the arrest, and the subsequent trial of Robert Coulter and his cronies, which would hopefully put them away for a long time.

Lorna wasn't overly keen on the idea of having to move away from the area she was used to living for the last ten years. But, in the end, Jack was able to make her see sense, so that she agreed to go and stay with an old friend on the outskirts of London until Jack could get her into a safe house.

Unbeknown to Jack, Eddie had his own personal reasons why he was happy to go along with this, not so much for Lorna's safety, but for his own convenience. With Lorna across the other side of England and no longer on their patch, it would be a case of 'out of sight, out of mind'. She would no longer be his problem, and he could go back to acting as if she never existed, easing his conscience a little where Paula was concerned.

Which was why Eddie had decided to go along with Jack, just to make Sure Lorna understood that she would be better staying in her new location for a while ,and lay low until Coulter was locked up, and they could guarantee her safety.

Though Lorna was filled with some smug satisfaction that she had been instrumental in helping to bring about Coulter's downfall, her cocky arrogance and her dislike for the police still shone through, as she showed very little gratitude towards Jack for trying to help her, She just continued to complain and grumble about the inconvenience of having to move away, and start all over again elsewhere.

Now face to face with Lorna, and listening to her, Eddie felt his irritation grow. But at the same time he bit his tongue, and instead found himself trying another approach with the woman, unable to get it out of his head that she was still Paula's mother, no matter her background.

"You know, instead of moaning about your new circumstances, why don't you see this as an opportunity" he found himself begrudgingly suggesting.

"Opportunity for what?" Lorna looked at Eddie a little bewildered by his sudden spurt of concern for her future

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