Chapter Three

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It had been almost a month since his sister Sarah's wedding.

Eddie had found it easier to put the problems he had with his family in the background from a distance, although he still had to face Cassie most days, as they worked in the same building,

Though Cassie, just being a regular police woman, mostly out on the beat, meant they were never really in the same part of the police station at the same time.

Which was just as well considering she was still pissed at him, and shot him cold looks of disdain, whenever they did happen to cross paths.

But now that Eddie was back to doing what he loved best, and Cassie was the last person on his mind.

These past few months he and his partner Detective Jack Crawley, had been investigating a particularly nasty villain, Robert Coulter. He was suspected to have his finger in many pies, having risen with notoriety out of one of the local gangs, and claiming he was going straight and running a legal business.

 The Police suspected, that this was not the case, behind the so called 'straight business' dealing, they reckoned he was into money laundering, prostitution, drug dealing, and even the murders of other rival gang members.

The trouble was, like most of these rising villains where either respected or feared, and it was hard to get people to talk out against them, so gathering up evidence against Robert Coulter was a slow process. Though the more they looked into him, Eddie was more certain, that the guy needed to be put behind bars..

The trouble was they didn't have very much on him yet to arrest him, much to his frustration.

It didn't help that Robert Coulter knew the police suspected him, but he had managed to cover his tracks so well thus far, that they couldn't get anything on him. He was laughing at their ineptness, which really pissed Eddie off further, and made him more determined to finally catch him out.

He and his partner had been rounding up some local drug dealers, that they suspected of having dealing with Robert Coulter, and they were tried to put pressure on them to give up his name, but so far they were not saying anything for fear they might end up dead, whilst not trusting the police to protect them from Robert Coulter.

But  a new lead had been discovered, after some snooping further into Robert Coulter's background. This time a woman from his past. She was known already by the police for prostitution and taking drugs, but she was also connected to Robert Coulter, as his former girlfriend a few years back, so they decided to take a look and try and trace her.

Eddie's partner, Jack had just threw her file down in front of Eddie who was sitting at his desk, busy writing up his latest report.

"Finally got the file from downstairs, on Lorna Mackey, Coulter's ex," he then said

"About time," Eddie replied, abandoning his report to lift the thick brown file and open it.

"She has a long list of former offences, prostitution, drug dealing and assault, no big surprise there" Jack then informed him.

"Yeah, nice company our so called 'clean Mr Coulter' keeps." Eddie drawled. sifting through the papers of the reports on Lorna McKay, and then looking at the mug shot of the blonde woman, who was in her late thirties, though she looked about ten years older due to her lifestyle.

He had seen a lot of these type of women since he had joined the police, and he felt a mixture of pity and disdain for them.

But now as he stared harder at the woman, in the mug shot, there was something familiar about her. Perhaps he had arrested her for one of her past misdemeanours, and now he tried to recall what it might have been. But there had been so many over the years, it was hard.

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