Yay I got tagged!

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Ten facts about me!

1) *whispers* I secretly want to be a lefty

2) my worst pet peeve is tangled earbuds (ugh) and to make it even worse people wrap it around their phone when it's tangled WTF

3) My birthday is feb 18 the exact cut off date for Aquarius, which makes me feel really special for some reason 😆

4) I. Love. Gay. Couples. (I am straight)

5) I love sitting like a guy, one leg up the other crossed, feels so good, screw being a lady. Except it doesn't work out well with dresses and skirts 😬

6) I hate jello, it's the most disgusting thing in the world I hate how it looks, feels, and tastes. 😖

7) I have least favorite words, yes I do. They are INDULGE (ew) MOIST (ugh) and KUMQUAT (don't even get me started)

8) some bio about me? I am 14 currently in 9th grade I love anime, zodiac, and vocaloid, if you ever need any writing advice you know who to come to 😏

9) I really want a boyfriend or somebody to love but of course nobody loves me and I'm forever alooooone. Gotta love the single life! 🙂

10) I cuss a lot and I don't show that much of it in my books because I'm not sure how you all feel about it so I reigned it back a little.

I know it's a bit early but I hope you guys have a good Christmas!

I tag;


Oh extra fact the way I relieve stress is by taking scissors and violently opening and closing them, hearing that ching noise, try it sometime.

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