Chapter 1

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"Ugh... Bored..." I sighed as I defeated the boss level for like, the 100th time.

"Nee-chan, your not the only one who's bored." Ren-chan says as he plays around with the 3DS.

"Ehh... I know..." I said.


"Eh? Ren-chan, sounds like there's an email."

"Mm... You get it."

"No, you." I said.

"No, you." He responded.

"Ugh!! Fine!!" I said as I gave in and went over to the computer. I clicked on the email.


To: [GameOver]
From: Unknown

Have you two siblings felt that you were born in the wrong world?


"Ehh? What's this? Hey, Ren-chan come here. Look, this person knows we're [GameOver]." I said as he crawled over to me and looked at the screen.

"Nee-chan, something smells fishy."

"Ehh... it's probably you. You haven't taken a shower for days."

"Ehh?! Nee-chan!! It's not me!!" He said while blushing.

"Ya, I know. I'm just kidding." I said as I giggled and pat his head. Now, returning to the email...

Hmm... let's write,




To: [GameOver]
From: Unknown


"Eh? A website? Let's see where this goes..." I said out loud as I clicked on the url.


[Welcome to Chess!]

Ugh... a chess game... boring... ehh...

"Ren-chan!!! Do chess for me please!! I suck at chess!!" I yelled as he walked over to me, takes me off of my chair, sits down in my chair, and places me on my lap.

"Only if you feed me, Nee-chan." He said as he handed me a bag of chips and some pocky.


~Mini Time Skip~

"Eh? They cut their own advantage?" Ren-chan questioned.

"Maybe it's a person... since computer chess always pick the right moves using math... but if it's a person... We might be able to defeat this guy... if we do it together as [GameOver]... okay Ren-chan?" I said while chewing on some chips.

"Ren-chan, move B2 to F6. Take rook. We can do this together, Ren-chan. I'll guide you when there's a trap, okay?" I asked my cute Ren-chan cutely.

"Yes, Nee-chan. As [GameOver]." He replied.

"Ok. Let's do this!!" I yelled, determination reigning in my voice.

"It's time for [GameOver]!!!!"

Game Over ~No Game No Life fanfic~Where stories live. Discover now