Chapter 7

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~Ran's POV~

Once Sora-kun had led us towards this big library, I saw some sort of person with wings on the sides and pink hair. She said that her name's Jibril, and that she serves Sora-kun. I was like, 'Wow Sora-kun, you're gonna make yourself a reverse harem.'

Anyways, Jibril-san wanted to 'inspect me' which was kinda weird when she kept touching me and Ren-kun was literally SCREAMING at her, but when she finished, Ren-kun yanked me back and wrapped his arms around me, glaring at everyone. I bet Reader-chan's like, 'Wow, he's acting really different compared to chapters 1-4.' But deal with it Reader-chan, that's just how the cookie crumbles.

Anyways, afterwards, Jibril just gave a lecture about the Unknown stuff and how awesome it is while me and Ren-chan were reading books together. I never noticed Sora-kun, Shiro-chan, and Steph was still there until Steph talked.

"When did you meet Sora, Ran-san?" She asked.

"Well..." I started, "Long story short. I was about... when was it? 6 years old? And he was 8 years old. (Yea, im 2 years younger than him) And his mom and my mom set up a play date of some sort. Then, he challenged me to a game, and lost. The end. Oh, and it was before Sora-kun met Shiro, so that loss technically doesn't count in your guys' promise." I said as I was still reading the book.

"Oh." Steph said as she finally shut up.

"Ren-chan, you finished? I already finished 75 books already." I said as I closed the book I was reading.

"Nee-san... I finished 100... Praise me..." Ren-chan said tiredly as I patted him.

"Good job, Ren-chan. As expected of my smart little brother, finishing 100 books in 5 hours!! And they're really thick books too!!" I exclaimed as I hugged him.

I took a glance over at the others. Steph had a shocked face, Jibril had a curious face, Shiro had a blank face, and Sora just had a serious face. Haha. I laughed mentally in my mind. Even though Ren-chan and I both have higher IQs than them doesn't mean they have to be like that.

Playing as [GameOver] to be their tough rival was fun, even though we both technically had a tie, but I just didn't want to spoil the fun by ending it. But NOOO!!! THEY HAD TO END IT FIRST BY LEAVING!!!! [BLANK] just HAD to disappear, leaving me with endless boredom. I couldn't STAND it. BOREDOM MAKES ME CRAZY!!!

Ugh. I'm turning insane. Well, Sora's smirk also makes me turn insane. It makes me wanna rip it offa his dirty arrogant mouth... I hate arrogance. But, I MYSELF am also kinda arrogant. Well, I hate OTHER arrogant people, so that's okay.

'Hmm... I'm getting bored, what to do what to do...' I thought to myself. 'Aha! I have an idea!!'

"Hey, Sora-kun,"

"Wanna play chess with me?"

A/n: Hey guys! How do you like the story right now? I really don't know what to do next so... yea. Bye bye~

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