Chapter 4: Death Package

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Normal POV

Anna lived in a simple neighborhood. Nothing out of the ordinary here until a new neighbor moved next to her house. Anna's parents told her to bring over this home made apple pie to the teenager living next door. It was love at first sight when Anna had her eyes set on Dreyfus.

The two teens got along pretty well. They started dating and were this close. Anna always got curious about Dreyfus' past. All he could do was say that a Psycopath killed his parents. He never opens up to her past that topic. All was well up until the two were about to get married in their Twentys age. Months before the wedding, Anna has noticed Dreyfus' constant absences. She felt hurt thinking that he might be seeing someone else.

She was tired of waiting and took matters into her own hands. That dark night, she followed him. She saw Dreyfus kill a person without any remorse. She felt horrified just looking at his satisfied expression. Anna confronted Dreyfus back home. She called the police. Dreyfus beat her for doing such an idiotic action and left her. The police had arrived in time to get her to the hospital. Dreyfus Dooris was never found after.

At the hospital, Anna was recovering. The police drew a sketch of what Dreyfus looked like since all of his pictures with Anna were burnt to ashes before he left. Dreyfus also had no birth records or other identifications. It was like he was a ghost in this world. Her eyes landed on the TV screen and was shocked. There on the TV was the person she happens to believe was Dreyfus when in reality was Sir Zaratras Dollores. Anna didn't care if her assumption was false, she just wanted Dreyfus locked away. This is where Sir Zaratras Dolloris was accused for murder and lost his status as a famous book author.

Years later, Anna had fully recovered from her traumatizing experience and lived peacefully being single. But her world changed again as she was hit on the back of her head with a bat while walking home from work. Dreyfus came back and kidnapped her far away from civilization and contact with nay friends and family members.

He took everything away from Anna. Her life, her freedom, her will, and her dignity. Dreyfus did not waste any time into taking away her virginity. He raped her over and over. Sometimes gently, sometimes lovingly, but most of the time he did it out of lust only. When Anna wouldn't love him back, he started abusing her. Physically, Mentally, and Emotionally. He stopped beating her when he found out that she was pregnant. He threatened Anna to not speak while doing check ups in the hospital. Fooling everyone with their fake names and her act as a mute woman.

Even after giving birth to Griamore, Dreyfus never let Anna go. He kept her alive and chained in his house. He single handedly raised Griamore to be a killer. Teaching him everything he needs to know about murder. A child will always follow in his father's footsteps when trained to be. Dreyfus would sometimes use Anna as a practice punching bag. He taught him how to treat a woman when defenseless. Griamore had no care that his mother was being used. Dreyfus made sure that he would never let him feel weak at all. Women are just toys that men can throw away. they are better off dead but be sure to play with them first before you dispose of them.

With Griamore coming of age as a 16-year-old, Dreyfus gave him the responsibility of moving continuing his reign of terror but letting Anna tag along with him with a dog collar strapped around her neck like the bitch she is. Dreyfus had others matters to attend to like revisiting his killing habits starting with his old abandon home, The Dooris House.

Anna lived through her life being abused by her son. A mother always has dominance over her son but Anna doesn't. Especially when her son has a gun pointed at her every now and then. Anna studied Griamore like a hawk. She memorized his schedule of when to leave and come back. She memorized the house of its entrance, exits, and loopholes. She finally had a plan but she had to wait for the perfect moment to do it.

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