2. The Mark

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Ashley –

When we got here, we had put the girls in the large empty master bedroom. They are still asleep. I stare down at my arm as I remember flinging heavy objects at the demon and rushing forward to get the girls. Jake was by my side, grabbing the light haired girl and swinging her over his shoulder. I scooped the other up, carrying her delicately because she seemed to be seriously injured. She is, and it’s my fault. I frown at the tattoo on the back of my right hand. It’s the tattoo that isn’t a tattoo. The one I had to make up stories about. I had to come up with a reason. It actually looks pretty awesome. It had appeared the morning after that thing had got me. It had come to me as a girl. An extremely hot one mind you, but that doesn’t make me feel any less gross about the whole situation. I remember its claws sinking into my thigh. I had jumped away from it/her immediately, trying to ignore the pain as the claws ripped through my flesh. I had raced from the room and it screamed and hissed that it would come for me. I kept running for about ten minutes, totally freaked out. It didn’t follow me. Thankfully I always wear long pants so the guys haven’t seen the scars left behind. I can see the tattoos starting to appear now. The thing will be looking for us. I look up. We are all crammed in the bedroom of an abandoned house (I have no idea what it’s doing here). Andy and CC are standing in the corner muttering to each other and Jinxx is checking the bandages coving the girls’ wounds. Jake kneels by the empty fireplace, poking at the ashes, deep in thought. None of us are really sure what’s going on. Andy bursts out laughing and Jake jumps in surprise. Everything until then had been quiet.
“Sorry dude,” he says, laughing harder.
CC chuckles and takes off his bandana, slipping into a chair near the window. We have drawn the curtains so no one can see us. I think we will have to move soon.
“As soon as they wake up we should go,” Jinxx mumbles quietly to no one in particular.
Jake stands up, glares at Andy who is trying to stop giggling, and walks over to where I sit on the end of the huge double bed.
“You know what happened don’t you?” He asks.
“Not really... but I’ve seen it before... I didn’t think it was serious about coming for me.”
“When those girls wake up, you owe us an explanation.”


I’m lying next to Aniissa on a very squishy bed. It’s like a marshmallow! My chest is killing me. I remember why, there’s a hole in it. My Black Veil Brides T-shirt has been cut at the collar so my wound could be bandaged up. I roll my head towards the window. CC is sitting in a chair there, staring off into space. I lift myself up onto my elbows and look at the rest of the room. Andy is leaning against a wall near the fireplace with his arms crossed, Jinxx and Ashley are both sitting at the edge of the bed and Jake is hovering in the middle of the room.
“Where are we?” I ask quietly. They all turn their attention to me and I blush. I am in the same room as the guys from one of my favourite bands! I try my best not to freak out.
“An abandoned house, about half an hour’s drive from the club,” Andy answers, looking concerned.
Jinxx smiles at his feet. “It reminds me of the house I grew up in.”
I sit completely upright and pain shoots through my chest, forcing me to lean back on the pillows. I look at Aniissa. She has four deep gashes in her stomach. This is not what I had imagined when I’d bought the tickets to the concert. Ashley turns around and opens his mouth as if to say something. Instead, he bites his lip and goes back to staring at the floorboards.
“So what’s your name?” Jake asks.
“I’m Cait... and this is Aniissa.”
“How do feel Cait?” he asks indicating the blood stained bandages.
“Like a huge creepy demon thing stabbed a hole in my chest.” I lift up a flap of my ruined T-shirt. There is no way I will be able to fix this.
“Sorry about the shirt... I’m sure we will find something to replace it,” Andy looks around as if expecting a new shirt to magically appear.
I sigh and try to wiggle my way off the bed, which is a difficult thing to do when every time you move you feel like you‘re being stabbed all over again. For a second, I manage to get on my feet but my head starts spinning and I fall to the ground. CC slips from his chair to come help me. I grab his hand for support as I raise myself backup. I feel the blood rush to my cheeks and CC lets go as if he’s been stung. I lose my balance and fall against the window sill. My shoulder brushes the curtains and suddenly, they are on fire.

My World: On Fire (A Black Veil Brides Fan-Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now