4. The Demon

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Andy -

There is a little girl standing outside the abandoned house. She’s just staring at it. Her eyes are wide and her head is tipped back as she looks at the building in awe. I saw her when we came in. A cute little kid hugging a bear to her chest. She had seemed so sweet and innocent. Now, I’m not so sure. She’s still standing there, which is creepy when you consider how long we have been here. It doesn’t look as if she has moved a muscle. I lift the curtain out of the way so I can get a better look at her. Her head snaps around and she stares at me. She grins, slowly, showing huge, pointed fangs. Her eyes flash to black and she starts slowly walking forward, gripping the teddy bear so tight her knuckles turn white. I look back at the others.

“We have to go,” I whisper and stand up, almost leaving the room, but I remember that we have two injured members of the BVB army with us and one of them is in no shape to walk. I go over to the bed and pick up... What was her name? Is it An-issa? That’s what it sounds like... Anyway, I pick her up and stand around, waiting for the others to realise that I’m not kidding.

“Andy what is it?” The girl in my arm pulls on my vest.

I look down at her. She’s staring up at me with her big hazel eyes. She’s sickly white and I can see fine beads of sweat forming on her brow.

“We have to go! NOW!” I head out into the corridor, if they don’t follow me, that’s their fault. I hear shuffling from outside and I freeze, listening closely. There is a knock at the door. I look around, trying to find another way out. The knock comes again. I head away from the door, down the other end of the corridor. I can hear the others following me.

“Shouldn’t we open the door?” Jinxx asks.

“What do you think Ashley? Should we open the door?” I turn to Ash, looking him in the eye.

He shakes his head.

“It’s that monster.” Kate whispers. She is leaning against the wall, catching her breath. Someone should help her....

“Please let me in!” A soft, sweet voice comes from behind the door, “I’m afraid!”

the door begins to shake and I keep walking. I turn into the dusty kitchen and head for the door. It should get us out of here without that thing knowing about it. I reach for the door handle but it opens of its own accord. The little girl is standing on the top step. She is sobbing quietly. I take an involuntary step back. She moves forward.

“You, are a bad man,” she hiccups. She frowns at me and reaches out with a small, white hand.

Someone tugs lightly on my arm and I turn to run. Her hands hook around my legs and they’re pulled out from underneath me. I try to angle myself so I won’t squish Anissa, but she’s gone. I roll onto my back, trying to get my breath back. The little girl is holding her by the hair.

“Did you think you could run?” She starts growing, her legs stretching until she is looking down at the young lady in front of her.

A huge ceramic bowl comes flying out of nowhere, smashing into the little girl’s head.The monster hisses and throws Anissa to the ground.

“You idiot child!” It’s growing, still growing and now, changing shape. Huge slimy arms ripping through the disguise. Sharp claws tear away at the soft, human flesh, revealing the creature within. Kate dodges around me, rushing to help her friends. She doesn’t seem to care about the monster in front of her. She grabs her friend by the arm and actually start physically dragging her backwards. Something strange happens then. The girl with the blue hair - Anissa - lets out a blood curdlingscream and a tangle of shadows shoot out, peeling off the floor and wrapping around the demon. Shadows? NO, that can’t be right.... But there they are. Slightly see - though dark blobs, squeezing the creature. It squealed and thrashed around, trying to break its bonds. Anissa looked as if she was concentrating really hard. Kate had let her go and even moved back slightly. Aniissa chuckles and smiles slightly.

“How dare you challenge me you piece of shit!” Her eyes roll back into her head and behind her, Kate’s turn red. She takes a step forward. She whispers something that does NOT sound like English then moves to stand next to her friend who is sitting down, holding herself up with her elbows. Suddenly, the massive, slimy monster bursts into flames. It says something that sounds vaguely like “I’ll be back,” then it sort of gurgles and adds, “I’ll get you all!”Then it is gone. The place where it had been standing seconds ago is smoking slightly. I look at the girl. Anissa has passed out and Kate is swaying on the spot, eyes wide.

“W-what happened?” she questions breathlessly and falls.

Jinnx catches her so she doesn’t crash to the floor. He helps her stand back up and she leans on him for support. She is quite a tall girl and makes Jinxx seem really short. I kneel down on the floor to make sure Anissa is alive. She is, but she doesn’t look too good. Trying to soak it all in, I sit down and stare at the smoking spot on the floor.

“Did everyone else see that? Or... Did I take some drugs that I don’t know about?” CC asks seriously.

Jake smiles slightly and glances at Ashley. I don’t think they’re quite sure what just happened either.

“I don’t know what it was but yeah, I - I saw that...” Ashley leans back against one of the counters.

“So,” Jake says looking around at us all, “What do we do now?”

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