26. All Over

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Ashley - 

"Hey, Caity," I say, reaching out for her.

She moves back, shaking her head and muttering 'no' repeatedly.

I don't blame her. This is all too wrong for words. I was dead. Then I was in Aniissa's head, and then some strange little girl is tearing me from the darkness and building my body up around me. My skin is clear of tattoos. It's weird to look down and not see any ink. Well, no ink apart from the mark that s still curling around my hand. I swear it was more faded than that before...  Also, I'm not wearing anything.... And it isn't exactly warm in here.

"Ashley.... you died..." Cait whispers. "You're body burst into flames for God's sake!"

"Really?!" I didn't know that.... That's weird... Of course weird is almost normal now. I mean... Demons....

Phyra screeches from behind me and turn around, shouting at her to shut up. I stop mid sentence. Phyra falling, barely holding onto the edge as she dangles into a huge crack. It's like the ground is eating her...

I stand up and walk over to her. WHY COULDN'T THAT LITTLE GIRL HAVE RECREATED MY CLOTHES!? Anyway, I walk right over to the slobbering hairy, slimy monster, and I stomp a bare foot down on one of her gigantic clawed hands. Turns out that doing that kind of thing hurts. Worse than stepping on a lego... But luckily, it does what I mean it do. Phyra's hand/claw thing slips and she wails as she struggles to get hold again.

Then Cait comes over carrying a crate. It looks pretty heavy. She grins as she let the box fall on the monster's head. She glances at me and blushes slightly.

"What?" I ask, trying to sound innocent. "It's nothing you haven't seen before."

She smacks me and kicks out at Phyra's head.

Phyra falls. She falls into the crack in the ground, growling and shrieking and hissing at she tumbles into the darkness.

Relief washes over me. She's gone. Dead. At least, she will be when she hits the bottom.

the ground settles for a moment. Then it starts up again. Shaking and making me fall over. My legs are all tingly. Instead over the crack getting bigger, it starts closing up. The two side of the crack press together, turning into nothing more than a line, a blemish in the concrete. Now she's definitely dead...

It's all over.

I hear a soft gasping noise and turn around. 

Cait is staring down at something... no. She's staring at someone. A girl with black and blue hair who's lying face down on the floor. She has a huge chunk of metal sticking out of her back. I know who that it. I was just inside her brain... Aniissa. Dead.

"I'm so sorry Cait," that little fire-headed girl is standing beside me. She's tiny.... 

Cait collapses to the floor. Her dress is all torn up and bloody and she has a massive bruise covering her entire right shoulder. Her hair is knotted and her feet are all scratched. She's shaking.

My stomach sinks. I feel sick. Sure, in the end Aniissa was a psycho with some creep whispering in her ear, but she'd been a friend. A fan at first, and then we'd sort have.... Brought her into the little family we had. Now she's gone. I don't know what happened. "What happened?"

Cait doesn't look at me. She reaches out pulls the metal rod from her best friend's back. "I killed her," she whispers. "I stabbed her in the back."

"It wasn't her," the little girl plays with her trippy blue skirt.

Cait turns around then. her eyes are red and full of anger. "I don't care!" She shouts. "SHE'S STILL DEAD AND IT'S STILL MY FAULT!"

The girl just looks down at her feet and suddenly she's holding a massive blanket out to me. Where the hell did that come from?!

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