9. Nothing Happened

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Cait -

I’m in a bed. A rather comfortable bed. There is someone next to me. Their arm is draped around my waist. Well.... This is sufficiently awkward... I‘m not sure who it is and to be honest, I’m afraid to find out. I crack my eyes open and twist around. It’s Ashley. He moans quietly and wriggles a bit. I can feel my cheeks burning as he frowns and opens his eyes to look at me.

“Did I get lucky?” he asks, staring at me through bleary eyes.

I look down at us and reply, “I don’t think so... We are wearing our clothes."

“Huh... Well, we look pretty cosy.” He takes his arm away and rubs his eyes.

My head is throbbing and I can’t think straight. Ashley’s cheeks turn slightly pink and he avoids my gaze.

There’s a loud bang and light floods the bus.

“Wheeeew! Caity got lucky!” Aniissa yells. Her voice is like a knife and makes my head ache. I sit up quickly, so fast that I get all dizzy and feel really light headed.

“DID NOT!” I shout back. “We were wearing clothes the whole time!”

“Sure sure, whatever you say. Gosh, never thought you’d be a slutty drunk.” She laughs along with someone else. It’s way too bright and I can barley see but I can only make out a weirdly shaped shadow which I assume is Aniissa.

“I’m fairly sure that nothing happened. Nothing memorable anyway...” I mumble. Aniissa is still laughing away. God! Why won’t she shut up?

“Poor Ashley, she thinks you suck in bed!” I hear CC, he must have been laughing before. Ashley props himself up on his elbow and groans a little.

“If we had sex. She would remember it.” He smirks.

“WE DIDN’T HAVE SEX!” I run my hands through my hair and pull it back from my face.

“No, if we had, I certainly would remember...” Ashley starts.

“I SWEAR ON...” I cut him off. “ON NATASHA’S RIGHT EYEBALL THAT WE DIDN’T DO ANYTHING!” I look down at my wrist, my watch is still there and reads 7:20. Why the hell are people awake this early?

“Yeah...” Ashley yawns. “We just sort of snuggled?”

Aniissa comes closer and I realise it isn’t just her shadow. It’s CC carrying her on his back. He throws her down on the couch that is only just within my view. I look at the pair.

“CC where’s your shirt?” Ashley asks.

“Aniissa, why are you wearing CC’s shirt?”

“Well you see,” Aniissastarts as CC plops down on to the couch next to her. “We went around to a couple of bars so I could have some fun because, no offence, you were bawling your eye’s out, clinging to Ashley as if you were about to fall of the earth, so anyway I also found out that alcohol doesn’t really have the same effect as it did before, like you need a LOT more. Wait where was I...” Aniissa stops and thinks for a bit.

“We made a bet,” CC starts the story again. “That she couldn't jump through a window and be fine. So she did and got cut up pretty bad and bled all over her shirt.”

“It wasn’t that bad!” Aniissa interrupts. “It’s just a scratch! So CC gave me his shirt because mine was covered in blood and I can’t really walk around in a bloody shirt can I? People would think I’m crazy!” The pair of them laugh. Oh God they’re insane.

“We’re also getting married to narwhals in Vegas apparently.” CC continues laughing.

“Sorry we didn’t take you Cait!” Aniissa says trying not to laugh. “You might have some competition as my best friend now.” She says as she throws herself across CC and he pats her head.

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