14. The Mansion

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Jake -

This place is just creepy. It’s a typical horror movie house. The floorboards creak, the doors squeak when you open them and seem to slam themselves shut. I hate this place already and we’ve only been here 5 minutes. Only Andy, CC, Aniissa and I are here since there was another house close by and you can’t split up Jinxx and Sammi or Ashley and Cait. The house they got looked much nicer as well and nowhere near as big. I mean come on, who hasn’t noticed a freaking three story abandoned house? This place should’ve been torn down years ago. It almost looks like it could collapse.

I make my way into what looks like the living area. I take a look around. Practically everything is covered in an inch of dust.

As I walk through, out of the front room and further into the building, it feels as if time has stopped. I know it isn’t possible but it really feels like it. I can’t hear the chirping of birds through the thick walls and not a thing is stirring inside this house. It’s still. It’s dead.

“Move your ass Jake,” CC whispers, his voice sounds funny and I can only assume that he’s trying not to breathe in too much dust. He slides past me and heads up the first winding staircase. There are TWO fucking enormous winding staircases side by side, and I have no idea where they lead to...

Andy pushes past me next and starts practically skipping up the second winding staircase.

“CC I’m coming with you!” Aniissa moves past me as well and heads up the first staircase. She glances back at me, smiling apologetically before disappearing from sight.

Great... All alone... I’m going to get killed off. I sigh and head off into what must have once been a living room. It is almost completely bare. There isn’t a thing on the bookshelves and they are the only bits of furniture in here. I look closely around at everything before deciding to check somewhere else. The next few rooms I search are empty of the statue as well so I head back out into the entrance. I wander into the kitchen. It stinks. Something must have gone off in here. I hold my breath and look in the cupboards and draws. As soon as I can, I’m getting the hell out of here. A giggle floats in from out in the hallway and I stop what I’m doing. I can’t stay another second in the disgusting room. I skitter out into the hallway and look around for Aniissa. I’m sure it was her laughing but I can’t see her anywhere.

“Aniissa!” CC calls out from upstairs.

So she must be down here...

I hear her giggle again and turn in a circle. Does this girl enjoy torturing me?

“Aniissa? Where the fuck are you?” CC leans over the balcony and looks down at me. “Dude, she’s vanished!”

“I swear she’s down here somewhere... I can hear her,” I call back up at him.

Andy shouts something from wherever that staircase leads to and I go back through all of the rooms on this floor. I can’t find her anywhere. That’s when something strange happens.

“Hey guys?” I call out. “Is it just me or is it getting darker in here?” I look around. All the curtains seem to have closed themselves and everything seems to be getting darker by the second.

“What are you talking about Jake?” CC’s voice sounds distant I look back up at him. He’s further away than I remember and is merely a black, shadowy blob.

I blink and rub at my eyes. Nope, it is definitely dark in here... I take a few steps forward, uncertain as to where I am going. I reach my hands out in front of me to feel my way.

Aniissa’s eire giggle in my ear makes me jump and I whizz around, my shins slamming into some sort of table. I curse under my breath as I stumble forward.

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