Epilogue - Saved

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4 months after the funeral - 

Jinxx stands leaning against the wall watching Sammi twirl around in her perfect dress. Her smile is perfect and her hair is perfect but none of that matters because she's smiling at him. As she dances with her father, she's smiling at Jinxx and she looks perfectly happy. Jinxx has almost blocked out the last year, trying to forget how fast paced and terrifying everything had been. He doesn't want to remember his friends dying and Sammi's crying, so he focusses on the good things. The present, mostly. Sammi, that beautiful woman twirling about in the middle of the room, is his wife now. Jinxx can't keep the smile off of his face as he watches everyone dancing around. Cait and Ashley, Andy and Juliet, Jake and Ella and CC, whose relatively new girlfriend unfortunately couldn't make it, is trying to get the DJ to set up karaoke.

Sammi comes skipping over and grabs her new husband's hand.

Jinxx sighs happily and his grin gets bigger as he wanders off after her.

Jake's eye took a little while to heal, but he's all back to normal now. Every now and then he finds himself wondering about the guy who'd punched him and sometimes he'd find himself seeing random words and markings where there aren't usually words or markings. He was surprised that he'd managed to slip back into his usual ways, it had seemed so easy. Well... He'd spent a while moping around after the funeral... It was better now that Ella was here again.

Everything is just generally better now.

6 months after the funeral -

Black Veil Brides are playing again and it's great. the crowd loves them and reach out for them as Andy's deep voice booms from the speakers.

Ashley wanders over to one of the water bottles they have stored away. He's wearing long sleeves to hide his nearly bare arms and he feels like he's dying. It's too warm in the crowded venue, but it's nice to feel like this after everything that has happened. It's nice to get back into a routine that's familiar. Ashley can't keep his mind off Cait. She's pregnant. He hasn't told anyone (apart from the obvious people) and he's not even sure if the 'BVB Army' knows he has a girlfriend at all.

CC doesn't get a break. As the other's drink, he's entertaining the crowd, but he doesn't mind. He took ages to even vaguely get over Aniissa's death. He still found the happiness draining from him whenever he was sitting alone. Aniissa had been so much fun to hang around with. He missed her.

1 year later - 

As the guys are hanging out in kitchen, pigging out on a few dozen sandwiches, a little boy is crawling around next to the window, off in his own little world. The sun is coming in through the window and casting all kinds of crazy shadows. The baby has dark brown eyes and dark brown hair that floats in wispy curls around his small, chubby face. 

The little boys mother is watching his from the the couch where she's sitting, peering over the top of a book. She has a locket dangling around her neck. It looks like a real heart and inside is a picture of her best friend.  As Cait watches her son, he pats a dark spot on the carpet with a tiny hand. The shadow seems to move, dodging out of the way. Cait sits up straight and closes the book, leaning forward to watch.

The baby boy giggles and smacks the carpet again. The shadow he's chasing seems to be almost human shaped, but it isn't the boy's shadow and there's no one else in the room to be casting it.

Cait stops to think momentarily about how the dreams of Aniissa stopped when the little boy had been born. Dream Aniissa had said that she'd been saved. Is this what she met? No... that was ridiculous... but then again....

The little boy catches the shadow and pulls it off the carpet. He lifts it right off and hugs it. He hugs the shadow and it seems to hug him back. The sun disappears behind the curtain as time passes and the little boy frowns, looking around for his shadow friend. When he can't see it, reaches back with a pudgy little hand and grabs the shadow of the coffee table nearby. He drags it forward and uses it to open the curtain more. he giggles as his shadow friend comes back.

Cait nearly falls off the couch as she watches. She puts her hand to her locket and smiles at her son.

Aniissa had been saved in some form.

A little red headed demon had saved her.

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