7. Making Plans

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Jake -

He imploded. Russian Dude is gone. He said he didn’t have much time left, and he was right. I think we are all kind of stunned... no one expected that to happen. I swear there are little bits of his guts lying in the field. Yeah, so I didn’t drive to a shipping yard like I was told, but I’m the boss of me and this oval was the first empty space I came across. Russian Dude didn’t seem to mind. Now, I’ll never know. I am fairly sure he’s dead. There’s no way someone could survive with that much of their insides missing.

There is an awkward moment of silence.

“BUTTERFLY!” Aniissa suddenly screams and runs across the oval chasing a brightly coloured butterfly.

Everyone stares at her, slightly shocked and Cait just face palms.

“Is she always like that?” Andy asks and Cait shrugs.

“When she wants to be. Or if she’s bored... Or if things are getting awkward... Yeah, she doesn’t really have much of an attention span.” Cait shakes her head and smiles.

I look at her shirt. “What would happen if we didn’t obey the supreme one?” I ask.

“Exterminate!” Aniissa shouts from over the other side of the oval.

Cait holds her arm straight in front of her, her hand making a fist. “Exterminate,” she says in a robotic voice and grins. “Long distance high five!” She calls out and her and Aniissa slap the air at the same time. Cait finally notices how confused we all are.

“It’s a Doctor Who reference, you won’t get it unless you watch it.” she waves her hand as if to say “I could explain it all but I doubt that you’d get it”.

Everyone stands around for a moment, not too sure what to do until Ashley clears his throat.

“Why don’t we all go back onto the bus and talk about what we should do next.”

We all get back on the bus and I close the main door behind me. Everybody sits down and make themselves comfortable. What now?

“Okay,” Andy starts, “Let’s try and get things together. We have to find the thing that has the demons soul in it yeah? CC, you still have that piece of paper?” CC pulls the crumpled paper from his pocket and tries to flatten it out.

“It kind of looks like a statue. Sort of like the tattoo. All spirally, with holes in it...”He passes it around and every one examines the rushed scribble. “Where the hell are we going to find it?”

“Well,” Sammi starts, “You guys are still on tour, there’s two more concerts here and then we all go back to America. So we can start searching then, can’t we?” She looks at Jinxx.

“That could work, but we’ve got a tour around the States a month after. We can’t exactly cancel that, we’ve got sold out concerts and meet and greats, we can’t let the fans down.”

“If we’re going around America, can we do some sightseeing please?” Cait begs.

“Of course we can!” Sammi smiles at her, she seems to be enjoying the girls company already. “While you guys are setting up for shows, I can take the girls sightseeing and shopping.” Everyone starts discussing how we’re going to handle shows and Sammi starts telling Cait about her favourite places that they can visit. It feels like some thing's missing though...

“Wait, what about our stuff, how are we going to get it?” Cait asks.

“Well you still live at home; do you know when your parents will be out?” CC looks at Cait and she nods and turns her head away, her cheeks going a bit red as if she’s embarrassed to look at him.

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