3. Explanation

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A high pitch ringing sound echoes around my mind. My head’s throbbing and my neck aches, actually everything is aching except for my legs, which I can’t feel at all. I can hear my lungs wheeze as the air slowly leaves them and I can feel them burn as they fill again, sending a searing pain through my chest. I try to open my eyes but they seem to be glued together by my mascara. I wear way too much eye makeup. I can hear mumbling, but I can’t turn it into actual words so I lie there and try to ignore my aching abdomen.

What happened? I remember my parents showing mercy and letting me go to the Black Veil Brides concert and then there was Cait, I finally found her. There was the music. Why is Saviour stuck in my head? The switch between timing always bothered me. Wait, that’s when it all started, the screaming, the running, the floor. That monster. I wanted a closer look didn’t I? I only got a glance before it’s, well arm, swung around and grabbed me and then its claws went straight to my stomach. It dropped me, yes, I remember lying there with what looked like the contents of my abdomen splayed across the floor in front of me. I should’ve picked them up and shoved them back while saying, “I think I can put them back in!” That would’ve been an awesome way to go. Wait, am I actually dead? No I can’t be. Death can’t be this painful.

The buzzing in my ears subsides and I can feel the soft surface I’m laying on move slightly.
“How do you feel Cait?” I know that voice... Well, I’ve heard it before. Everything sounds kind of distorted though.
“Like a huge creepy demon thing stabbed a hole in my chest.” It’s Cait, thank god she’s okay except for the whole stabbed a hole in my chest thing... I can hear more mumbling but I can’t make it out. The surface suddenly moves and a burst of pain surges up my spine. I finally manage to crack my eyes open and the light makes them burn. Every thing's a blur but I can see Cait trying to stand up from what looks like a bed. So that’s what I’m laying on.... Explains the squishiness. *Squishy squishy* There’s another figure helping her but he jumps back and she falls against the wall next to the window and the curtains catch on fire. What on earth is happening?

Cait -

We all stare at the blaze in stunned silence. What the hell did I just do?
“What the hell did you just do Cait?” I turn to see Aniissa peering up at me through bleary eyes.
Every one's attention turns to her. She is very pale, but at least she’s awake. We all shift our gazes back to the fire.
CC is staring from his hands, to the curtain then to me. Andy comes to his senses first, but only to get out a cigarette and light it using the fire I have started. He turns to look down at me. Wow, I don’t think I’ve ever felt this small. I take a few steps back and collapse onto the bed. He smiles sadly and moves away to give me some space. I suddenly feel very uncomfortable in my shredded shirt. I reach into the pocket of the hoodie I’m wearing under my jacket, remembering the spare shirt I had crammed in there in case of emergency. I pull it out, inspecting the incredibly awesome Doctor Who t-shirt. I turn to the guys, trying to give the hint that I don’t feel comfortable changing while a bunch of people are staring at me. They don’t get it. I sigh and angle away from them. Taking my shirt off is a painful process. Lifting my arms up is almost impossible and I actually start wishing someone would help. Aniissa is still looking around, taking in the room. She looks at me as I try to pull my shirt off. God, this is embarrassing. Ashley has turned around and is watching me curiously.
“Jesus Christ Ashley, stop being such a lazy fuck and help her!” Aniissa bursts out and the guys looked at her, shocked, then all share guilty looks.
Ashley gets up and comes over to help me as he has been told. I smile at Aniissa and she watches Ashley closely. He awkwardly lifts my shirt over my head and throws it to the ground. I try to lift my arms and fail. He helps slip my awesome shirt over my head and after a few minutes of struggling we manage to get my arms through the sleeves. I thank him quietly and watch as he turns around, picks up my old shirt and uses it to smother the fire that is slowly moving onto the wall. The curtain has miraculously survived, only getting singed a bit at the bottom. Ashley tosses the shirt into a bin that sits in the corner of the room. He looks down at my hand and when he sees me looking at him curiously, he turns quickly and moves away.
“Aniissa, are you alright?” Ashley asks.
Aniissa seems a little bit surprised that he knows her name and she’s a bit out of breath, but she manages to nod. I can tell that she’s in pain, but who wouldn’t be? I suddenly realise there are some things I forgot to ask her and the questions start bubbling to the surface. I bite them back. She’s tired, she doesn’t want to think. I will ask her later. I turn to the guys, swinging my legs onto the bed and crossing them.
“Why didn’t you take us to a hospital? I mean, we must have been bleeding all over the place.”
“Ashley practically begged us not to,” CC says as he wraps one of his hands with his bandanna. I think I must have burnt him. I have no idea how it is possible.
“He wouldn’t tell us why.” Andy takes a step toward Ashley, a question lurking in his eyes.
“I’ve seen it before,” He begins, “it had been disguised as a girl then,” this was received with sighs of understanding and a few quiet chuckles, “ it turned into the monster and attacked me. I have the scars to prove it... and I have this,” He lifts his hand, showing the tattoo, “when I had run away from it, it had told me that it would come for me. That’s what it was doing at the show... It wanted me! Now, its going to come for all of us.”
I glance down at my hand and almost gasp in surprise. Black ink swirls across the entire back of my left hand, almost snaking its way around my fingers. If my dad saw it he would have a fit. I remember promising that I wouldn’t get any tattoos. Even though I had, in fact wanted at least one little one, I couldn’t tell him that (he had threatened to disown me). I look at Aniissa. She has one too and is inspecting it closely. She looks up and raises her eyebrows. Of course, she thinks its awesome and, well, it does LOOK cool, but it means a big freaky monster is going to come after us and that, is definitely NOT cool.
“Do you have an explanation for my freaky fire lighting thing?” I ask.
“No... I have no idea what that was, but it can’t be good.”
Andy nods and sits in the chair CC had vacated. He pulls back the curtain slightly and peeks outside. When he turns back, he is as white as a ghost. “We have to go.” he whispers and leaps from the chair, picks up Aniissa, who winces slightly, and stands in the middle of the room.
I hop up, I can walk by myself even though it is agony.
“Andy what is it?” Aniissa mumbles, tugging on the corner of his vest.
“We have to go! NOW!”
We all start to head out into the hallway. Andy stops in front of us. There is a loud knock on the door.
It’s here.

My World: On Fire (A Black Veil Brides Fan-Fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin