Part 1: Pilot

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I was like any other normal woman. Well I say normal, because I had such great hopes, dreams and everything I always wanted. But, everything changed a month after I lost my job. I loved my job. I loved the workers and the owner. We all treated each other like family. That bakery was my home, but the rent got so expensive he had to close it down. I was devastated and wondered, where was I to go now? I used to be homeless, you see. Now all I can think off is, how am I gonna be able to pay my rent and how will I buy food. 

I had lost all hope... I thought I wasn't worth it no more... All gone. No, I never committed suicide nor did I want to commit it. I know I can handle life's situations, just this time I felt myself as a goner. Like I was just a soar looser. 

So, I decided to walk through a park near my home. I was hoping if I can get all this bullshit off my head. It was night time and the air was very chilly. It was so cold, I could see my own breath. As I was walking I noticed an old man. He was wearing a brown long coat with a hood.

As we were getting close, the man had his head down, so I couldn't quite see his face. As we were getting closer, the man never said anything. When I passed him, he whispered some words to me. Then I walked a few steps ahead, I turned around, he disappeared.

What he had whispered to me, had chilled me to the bone. He had whispered Your life is going to change forever in a year. You will change. You are going to meet people from your dreams. You will fall in love with a complete stranger. You will be used for pleasures. Say goodbye to everything you have now, because it's your last time you will ever see them

So, as I returned home, I kept thinking what the hell all that meant. The next day... I'm all set getting ready to look for a job. I went to every place I can think of and no one will accept me. The things that they kept telling me, were all the exact same excuses over and over again. I don't have experience. There isn't no more room left. We already booked someone, etc. etc.  

Then, couple of hours later, I was walking through a block I barely go on. A really messy street. Graffiti on the walls, trash on the floor and even dead pigeons. But, I noticed people were running away from a bookstore. Out of the whole corner it was huge and the cleanest! I'm like... What the hell is going on?

A man with a blue janitorial uniform, with an empty name badge on it, came running towards me. He was bald and had a black mustache. He grabbed my shoulders and looked at me with eyes of terror. Did he see a ghost or something? Then he took off the shirt and just slapped it to my arms.

Guy: RUN AWAY! Don't come here. Its cursed! Run...RUUUUUUN!!!!

Then a group of other people just came running out. The owner comes out saying it's all not real, come back. I then get close to him. When I got to him, there was still a whole bunch of  people. Some people looked scared, others just ignored the situation and continued to what they where doing. But as they say, curiosity killed the cat. So, I asked anyway.

"Whats going on I said?"

Owner: "Oh its nothing. sigh But I just lost my nighttime janitor."

And this is where I made the biggest mistake of my life... Well... Also the greatest.

"ILL TAKE IT! I'll do anything. I promise I'll come everyday. I'll do as you say. I'll even work extra. Can I please, please have it?"

Owner: "Sure. But I'll give you one week."

"Wait... Just one week? Why?"

Owner: "Look kid, this isn't your normal all out of the ordinary bookstore. Everything in there is special. Everything is fine now, because there is still daylight. After 11:59... Shit get real here. The most people have stayed here is just one week."

"How real are we talking about" saying sarcastically

Owner: "LISTEN KID, I'm serious about this. YOU REALLY NEED TO BE CAREFUL.

"OK" I said with a lot of excitement. 

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