Part 4: A Changed Girl that Time Traveled

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"Why the hell.... Am I here?"

Stranger: "I don't know. You tell me."

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

He grabs my hand, he does some wierd move with his hand and a portal apears. We go inside and just like that Im in Japan. How did I know we were in Japan? Because he just tells me we are in Japan. Also, the writings on posters were not in english.

As we were walking, there was a store with magazines right outside. They looked really nice... But old. I stoped the guy that was pulling me and went inside.

Stranger: "What are you doing? We got to go!"

What do you mean go? Im in Japan! Hell no Im not missing this opportunity!

The stranger sigh and was right behind me. I'm just so excited. Im walking all over the store. Really cool things in it. Some cups, books for little kids so they can practice their writing, origami paper, etc.

As I was heading out, I saw a newspaper. Some men in the front page with the stocks in front of them. Then I freaked out because I saw the date. Not only did this man get me to Japan through a blink of an eye, we had also time traveled.

From 2016... I had traveled to 1981!

The stranger then just took my hand again and was in a rush to get to where he wanted to go.

"Where are we going damn it!"

Stranger: "Just shut up. We are almost there"

Once we were in a alone street, I pulled my hand away from him.

"Ok you know what, I've had it! Im tirred of just walking with a total stranger. I want to go back home. Please. I just want to go home."

Stranger: Why? Do you really want to go back to that pathetic life you had?

"HEY! I didn't ask for your help in the first place. And who the hell, are you to tell me how my life is? I don't need this. Yeah, thanks for saving me and all back there. Im going home without you."

Stranger: How are you going to get home? A place where u don't even know the language of.

"Ill find my way."

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