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Al clenched his hand on the phone, with anger in his eyes. He felt like he lost.

Al: Ranmaru... 

"What do we now? What ever those things are, I don't think our equipment is going to help."

Asami: Well, maybe not us, but you can.

Al and I: What do you mean?

Asami: Remember the black thing I gave you earlier?

I took out the black hockey puck looking thing, with a silver half circle on it and the word STRATOSPHERE  written across. The silver was glowing in different colors.

Asami: Yes. The STRATOSHERE. Do you remember how to use it?


Asami: "sigh. Ok, I will explain, but this is the last time I'm explaining it to you. The STRATOSPHERE is a very important tool. It can tell how you are feeling, it will tell you when you are in danger and most importantly it is now your heart. If you are close from it, it will become a hologram projector/touch screen.

 It will then say "Choose Your Hero". When that happens, you will be able to choose any character that agrees to help you, and will be there to help you out. When It is far away from you, you will go through a painful transformation. What it will do is, when you call it, it will connect straight to your back. 

When I mean by connect, is that its needles will stretch inside you. They will connect to all your pressure points and veins. It will straighten out your bones, it will stretch your muscles and also connect to your brain. When this happens, you become one with the STRATOSPHERE. You will have amazing strength, you will be able to jump from high places and also be able to know how to fight. There is one power that I don't know, only the creator of it does."


Al: "OK, so what does it have to do with his heart?"

Asami: "SHUT UP I WAS GOING TO THAT! Ahem,Now let ME explain why this is your heart. When it gets cracked or gets broken, your life ends as well. So it is with great importance you guard it with your life. Its going to be with you everywhere you go. Even if you forget it somewhere, it will follow you without you even knowing it. 

Now one final thing, when you are sad, lonely, cold, feeling suicidal, stressed or scared; the hologram projector will appear. It will show at the bottom a blinking rectangular button. That button is really special. You will talk to a guy from very far away. He knows a lot about you and trusts you, even though he doesn't even know you."

"Why would anyone who doesn't even know me, care about me so much? "

Asami: "Same question I asked myself when I saw him. But that idiot just knows"

"So how does he lo-"

I was interrupted by an explosion. The whole top front had black smoke along with broken glass.



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