Part 7: My Hero Loves Me

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"Nooooo no nononono no. Mr. Ryuichi you stay right there."

He was coming straight towards me. I was about to escape again. I jumped up but Asami had grabbed my ankle and my body slammed on the bed. He then turned me around. I try to escape but his legs had locked mine in and his hands had grabbed my wrists. I had no escape. His eyes were locked on mine.

Asami: "The last time this happend a guy had hit me and ran off. I make sure this time it did not happen again"

"Wait, So you are the reason that other guy came out running!"

Asami: "No, He ran away because he was stealing something from the shop. He then saw me, in a ghostly figure."

"Damn, you aint real and you still end up scaring someone"

Asami: "Yes. Now shut up so I can expla-"

Im struggling to get free, but his body got on top of mine. He kissed my lips. It felt deep and felt that my energy was slowly slipping away. His lips felt soft with a tiny hint of cigarette. I felt his heart beat and each breath he was taking. He then stopped and looked at me. Then went towards my neck. I felt goosebumps all over my body.

Asami: "Your body is really quite obedient towards me." he had told me and with a smirk."

"Shu- shut up."

Asami: "Looks like your punishment isnt enough. Let me go deeper."

" NO! No please no."

Im trying to pull away but Asami is so strong I can't budge. Now Im wearing a long white shirt with no buttons or zippers. Just the jeans I have and socks. Just when I really think he was not going to do anything else... He puts his mouth on my shirt. With his teeth he starts to pull down my shirt. The shirt is opening up like it has a zipper.

"How the hell are you doing that?"

He doesnt answer me and his lips start sucking on my left nipple. I twitch a bit. He then bites on my nipple gently. He then goes to the right and starts doing the same thing.

"Oh ok, sto- stop"

He looks at me and smiles. And kisses my lips and lets my right hand go. Im thinking now that I'm free , I can get out. Nope. He puts that released hand inside my jeans and underwear. Now my jeans are tight, however he easily got his hand inside.

Asami now is giving me a devilish grin. He is enjoying the pleasure I am receiving. I hate to admit it, but this felt so good. He is taken, but who can fight him back? But Some how I felt that I was Akihito. I just thought of him and I felt that whatever Asami was doing to me, Akihito felt it also.

Asami: chuckles "Look, its responding"

Im gasping. "You Bastard! You... You arent supposed to do this to me. What... Agh! What about Akihito?"

Asami: "Oh, that's right. Thanks for reminding me."

Here I did a huge mistake. He was going slowly... But since I reminded him of Akihito he thrusted that hand fast. I started to moan at the pleasure this man was giving me.

"Ah... Ah...AH! Asami stop.... No really stop... Sto-"

He then used my precum as some sort of lubricant. I was surprised when he put two fingers inside me. He thrusted inside me fast. Again, I felt Akihito. He was twitching at the exact same time as me. Moaning the same time as me.

"Asami, STOP!"

He thrusted fast, and faster he went. He then kissed my lips. He put his left arm under my back and pulled me up a bit. Thats when I really felt the pleasure, but more intense. Asami just kept looking at my satisfied face.

"Ah... Ah.... Ah... Ugh... Asami... Gah gah gah... Ah ah ah..."

I moaned louder and finally came.

Agh... Ah ah...AH AHAAAH!

All that could be heard in that room was just my heavy breathing echoing. My eyes were closed, but when I opened them, He licked his two fingers. Looked at me and I knew that he meant lesson learned.

Asami: "Great job. Now that I have your attention. I can finally tell you why I brought you here"

still breathing hard "Sure... Anything. Go right... Ahead. Now... I promise... Ill listen"

Asami: No more running away right?

"I said No!"

He put his hands between my legs while my jeans still on. I jumped.

"AH! Ok Ok I wont yell no more."  

Asami smiled and chuckled.

Asami: "Very good." then kissed my right cheek.

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