Part 18: Jelousy

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Who ever had grabbed me, pushed me. I couldn't see the ground, so I am thinking... is this where i loose? Then I felt a warm hug. I wasn't touching the floor, it was just carrying me until we finally could see light. We got close to a random light in this dark hallway, and I noticed that it was Al. He looked at me, kissed my forehead and put me down gently.

"What was that kiss for?" I said with my face red.

Al: I have no idea why, But I saw you as if you were my Ranmaru and it just slipped.

"Thank You" I said smiling back at him.

Then we heard the metal door slammed shut and someone hit the ground. Then we heard some ticks on the metal door as if someone was walking on it. The footsteps got closer and closer. I hugged Al and he hugged me back. We didn't know what could be here with us. When the figure got closer, we could see eyes filled with a lot of anger.

When the figure got closer, It turned out it was Asami. He was so angry that, he was holding the stratosphere as if he could crack it any time.

Asami: What the hell is this?

Al and I: What?

Asami: Why are you two so closed together?

"Well who pushed me?"

Asami: Answer my question!

Al: Well you pushed him. I caught him.

Asami: You are to never touch me again.

Al: Absolutely not! The next time who know if you will be here.

Asami: I will be here!

Al: Ill believe it when I see it.

After the discussion, Al had left ahead in the hallway. As I was ready to go right behind him, Asami had pulled me near the wall close to the darkness and kissed me tightly. I moaned a little loud and trying to push Asami away. He continued to kiss me and I almost couldn't breath. Then he let go, I then looked at him and try to slap him, but he stopped.

"What the fuck is your problem?"

Asami: You are my problem!

"What do you mean, you seriously have to stop doing that. You have a boyfriend! We are about to go get your bf."

He then left. I was shocked of what I heard. I was angry and confused. All I kept thinking was why me. I, I don't want to be the one to destroy a great relationship. I looked down, I slapped my face so I can concentrate on the operation. I was feeling great, until I noticed Adam I looking at me. I turned my head.

A few minutes walking, we heard sounds. As we walked towards the sounds, turned out they were yells. We ran towards them. Once we were right under them, complete silence. Then a moment after, another explosion happen. The ground shook and I almost fell. We then heard the yells of the men.

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