Part 6: What The What Just Happened

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My eyes wide open. A stranger kissing me out of the blue. I am a guy... And I just found out I am gay... For this guy. Why me? Who is this guy? He stopped kissing me, but I had realized I had my eyes closed still and he just looked at me and smirked.

I was blushing like a tomato when I found out he stopped and got mad again. I gave him the finger point, He kissed me. I stomped the ground, He kissed me again. I then wanted to hit him, he then grabbed my right arm with such speed, put it on my back and slammed me to the wall. My face got red. His patience ran very thin at this point.


Stranger: "You really don't recognize me? How can you not know who I am?"

I ignore what he said and continued yelling. He then turned me around, grabbed both of my shoulders, put his left knee between my legs and leaned closer to me. He told me to look at him very closely. To pay close attention.

"I'm really sorry. But I have no clue who you are"

Stranger: "Do you know someone by the name Akihito Takaba?"

"Wait who? Um... Dude I'm in Japan, Remember? I never been here. I have no clue who the hell you are or who is Takaba."

He gave me a stern look. I feel like I have seen that look somewhere but from where is the question.

Then it hit me. I was like... What... Wait... Wait a minute... No fucking way... No.... Impossible...

Stranger: "You know who I am now right?"

As soon as I figured out who this man was... I was scared shitless... I got so freaked out I ran away from him. I jumped on the other side of the bed and just looked at him in fear. I just literately hit a fictional guy... Well real now... I just hit one of the most powerful and dangerous man in Japan, that I can think of. The famous yakuza that I adore, Ryuichi, Asami.   

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