Part 8: Takaba and Long

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Still shaken of the incident of before... He just kept staring. I hid myself under the blankets, procesing that a fictional character has just raped my wee wee. My first forever once in a lifetime thing. He then layed down beside me. He soflty put his hand on my head. 

Asami: You are the only one that can help me.

under the blanket "What exacly do you mean?"

Asami: "Akihito got kidnapped. I need your help to find out where he is."

Finally getting my head out of the covers I looked at him in a surprised way.

"How the hell am I needed there? You are the mastermind. You have a whole freekin army of men... YOU ARE ASKING ME, A TOTAL STRANGER, TO GO HELP you save your boyfriend?"

Asami: I used to have a great group of men, but who ever the hell they are, they took my men down with just one bullet. Even Fei's men got attacked the same way.

"WAIT WHAT? You don't mean THE Liu Feilong do you? But how? He... He is stronger than you! How did he... How is that possible?"

After I said that little part of stronger, he glared at me. He was close to get on top of me again but I apologize.

So Liu Feilong is China's notorious mobster. He is like, no he is the king of the mafia in China. He is tall, with black silky hair. He wears traditional chinese clothing, and he is has many black belts in Kung Fu. The most important thing to Fei was his father. He cared for him dearly. Though everything changed when Asami steped in. Asami helped Fei to get over his father's illness, as well stoped Fei from turning himself to a woman so his father didn't feel too lonely when his mother passed away. Though, the day that Fei's father was dying, Asami had kept him away in a room so he wouldnt see him. He also had molested him.

Because of Asami doing that, Fei had a grudge with Asami. Everything changed, however, when Akihito got kidnapped by Fei. Asami sworn to get his revenge and to never let Fei get to him again.

But as we see, there is someone much more dangerous than these two combined. I'll see what I can do to help Asami and Fei.  

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