Jealous? Me, Nah.

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"Damn what to do...what to do..." I said to myself as I wondered mindlessly around the ranch. Yes, that Ranch. I had to say, staying at Neverland definitely had its perks. It was a little over 2,000 acres of land with a private movie theater, an amusement park, zoo animals, EVERYTHING. Being here was definitely like being taken away into a whole new world *cue the Aladin theme* however I was alone. Michael was actually in New Mexico for his Dangerous World Tour so I told him that I'd happily look after his home while he was away.

Grabbing my cell I dialed up a familiar number. I knew that they still had to be in Cali. I'm sure they were still on vacation too. "Hey it's me. Do you mind hanging out for a bit? I could use the entertainment..." I spoke into the phone with a smile.

"Is that all I'm good for huh your 'entertainment'' the baritone voice joked, the sound of his heels echoed further on the wood floors and into the kitchen. Rolling my eyes I let the jet magazine I was reading fall to the counter. "Shut the hell up lil nigga" I turned around to embrace my best friend. It's been a while since we last seen each other a few months ago at his party. "Well well well look at you...I see Mike's treating you" Prince took a step back to examine my frame and I hit his shoulder. I wore short denim cut up shorts with a yellow top. Believe or not the shirt actually belonged to my boyfriend but he let me keep it. I decided to cut it up and turn it something a little more sexier to wear.

"So are you sure that this is alright? Me being here" Prince asked and I nodded

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"So are you sure that this is alright? Me being here" Prince asked and I nodded. "Mike's still in Mexico right now. I'm sure he wouldn't mind that my buddy is here. I still can't believe y'all actually had beef though" I joked and he crossed his arms, his hazel eyes scanning over the place. "Yeah back in the day were weren't so tight but now...I guess we aight" "Rhyming headass..." I mumbled under my breath and Prince's head snapped over in my direction. "What was that Beyer?" He immediately lifted me up in his arms and I let out a squeal as he spun us around. "Stop man before I get sick!" "You know I missed yo annoying ass" Prince spoke, placing me back down on the floor. "Aw I missed you too short stuff" I was about to pinch his cheek when I heard another voice enter and I instantly rolled my eyes and let out a sigh of annoyance. Ugh. Why'd he have to invite her along.

The moment mighty miss Mayte entered I forced a smile. "Nice to see you again" I practically spoke through gritted teeth. And the best actress award for 'I can't stand this trifling bitch' goes to... Giving an even faker smile back, Mayte headed over towards where Prince stood, kissing his cheek. "Aw I really like your outfit...Troy is it? Interesting name." Aw hell fucking no. I KNOW this bitch didn't just...

"...You know what-" "Ahem!" Prince was quick to cut me off as he looked from me to Mayte. "Now listen. This petty shit y'all doing is childish. Can y'all at least try to get along?! Cause best believe you're gonna be seeing more of each other as long as your my babygirl-" He glanced over at Mayte before continuing. "and your my homegirl" his eyes then locked with mine and I let out a sigh of defiance. He was right. As long as I was gonna be friends with him, I'd have to tolerate Mayte. "Fine." We both stated in unison and I cringed at how our voices sounded together. Prince smirked. "Good. Now T, would you mind being a doll and showing us around yo crib?"

About 2 hours later of showing them around (yep it actually took 2 whole hours there was literally TONS of stuff here to see at the Ranch) we all decided to end the the day with going on some of the rides located in the amusement park. I stuck to Prince's words and tried to get along with Mayte and surprisingly it was somewhat working? I still don't like her fake ass though. Heading over towards the concession stands, I grabbed some cotton candy and a bag of popcorn to snack on. When I came back Prince and Mayte were nowhere to be found. Where the hell did they run off to that fast? Lawd they asses better not be gettin freaky somewhere either.... "Helloooo?" I called out, popping a few pieces of popcorn in my mouth as I walked around, looking like a damn fool. They wouldn't just up and leave would they...

It wasn't long before I FINALLY heard a noise. No, not THAT kind of a noise. It was laughter followed by some lame music that usually plays whenever somebody's riding on the carousel.... carousel....hmm I think I might know where they are...

Once I finally made it towards where the carousel was located, my eyes widened at the sight. Mayte was sitting cross legged on one of the horses, while the music continued to play in the background. Her head was thrown back in laughter, a look of pure joy on her features while Prince was running behind her like a little kid. They both looked genuinely happy. It was also at that moment I realized how well the two complemented each other. I also couldn't help but wonder how the hell were they even able to operate it anyway? With the lights and music also on and shit. The ride wasn't turned on before.

I had to admit, it was pretty funny and a little precious to see this more playful side of him

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I had to admit, it was pretty funny and a little precious to see this more playful side of him. When he finally caught back up to the horse, in one swift movement he hopped on the same horse Mayte was on. He then brought his arms out, his hands connecting with hers, the two of them seemingly lost in their own little fantasy world. I could tell he was whispering something in her ear and she slowly nodded, giving a shy smile. Seeing the way they responded to each other instantly reminded of Michael and I and I gave a small frown, a small surge of jealousy running threw my veins.

 Seeing the way they responded to each other instantly reminded of Michael and I and I gave a small frown, a small surge of jealousy running threw my veins

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Damn. I REALLY missed my Applehead.

He definitely wasn't kidding when he said Neverland tends to bring out ones childlike side either...

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