Gold Experience.

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The year was now 1995 and I was currently getting ready for the vmas. Michael was actually opening up the show and he was beyond excited. The stupid allegations from a few years prior were finally able to subside even though some dumbass people in the media still would try to bring it up. Michael wanted to settle it in court however the people in his camp felt it would be better to just pay Evan the 2 million dollars that he had wanted all along. Of course Michael didn't want to do that because he knew that in some people's eyes that would make him look guilty but the people in his camp didn't care. They just wanted the story finally out of the press.

"Applehead you ready?" I called out from downstairs while spraying on some Chanel no 2. "Yeah!" Michael then came downstairs, a wide smile on his face.

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Walking up to him, I let my fingers run through his freshly cut hair. It looked really good on him. "What?" he joked quietly, reaching out to twirl one of my curls around his slender finger.
"... You're so beautiful, you know that?" I spoke in honesty and he chuckled, his cheeks flushed crimson. "Aw thanks baby. You're way more beautiful though" Kissing my lips, the two of us headed outside towards the black limo. Vmas here we come!

"Gotdamn it's packed in here!" Michael whispered in my ear once we were in our seats. Giggling I nodded, letting my eyes scan over the huge auditorium. All kinds of celebrities were here. It was a pretty overwhelming sight. It wasn't long before a woman came up to us, her bright smile very similar to Michael's, chocolate orbs wide with excitement. With her short locks, she easily looked like Michael's twin."J!" I immediately jumped up from my seat, hugging her. Laughing, Janet quickly returned the hug, giving my waist a light squeeze. "Hey Troy! How you been girl?" Since dating Michael, I was able to meet his sister. The two of us had became extremely close. Janet was like the sister I've always wanted. She was so funny and sweet, very much like her older brother. Not to mention drop dead gorgeous as well. The two had be nominated for "Best Dance Video" for Michael's song Scream. His new album, entitled 'HIStory' was now also out as well.

 His new album, entitled 'HIStory' was now also out as well

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"Pervert 2 huh?" I spoke, examining the back of the white crop top she wore. Nodding, Janet nudged her brother. "Well if he's considered one, than I must be one too. I gotta have my brother's back no matter what these bullshit reporters say..." she spoke. "Dunk you're a mess. This is why I love you so much!" Michael joked, giving her a huge hug and I couldn't help but smile. They had such a genuine relationship. Once the lights dimmed, Janet and I couldn't contain ourselves. My man was finna SLAY his performance! I couldn't wait!

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