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Oh shit. Oh my fucking God...My head felt like it was spinning and I felt the bile rise up my throat, my heart thumping rapidly as I quickly placed back on my sandles, stumbling down the spiral staircase. I needed to get outta there ASAP. I could already hear the two voices screaming at each other. "How could you fucking do this?!" Mayte screamed, tears flowing down her olive cheeks. She continued to throw out harsh obscurities in her native tongue, flinging her arms.

Prince tried to reach out to touch her but she quickly slapped at his hand, turning her body towards me, her dark eyes meeting with mine coldly. "...You slut! This is all your fault!" I hadn't even made it to the last step when in one swift movement she charged at me with so much force.

"Dammit Mayte stop!!" Prince's voice rang out as she only continues pelting my frame with slaps, her manicured fingers literally clawing at my face. "Fuck Tay I said chill!" Prince tried to haul her off but she only shoved him away, causing his orbs to darken, his jaw clenching. "Get off of me you crazy bitch!" I yelled, using my strength to shove her, grabbing a fistful of her tresses and she screamed. Jumping up she then bent down to pick up her purse. Meanwhile I stared at her like she had lost her mind. Her eyes darted from mine to her husband's before her lips curled into a, wait was that a smile?  "What the hell..." I spoke my thoughts out loud as she started to laugh, clapping her hands. Wiping away some of her tears, she spoke again.

"I just find it funny, calling me a 'crazy bitch' when I find you trying to fuck MY motherfucking husband

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"I just find it funny, calling me a 'crazy bitch' when I find you trying to fuck MY motherfucking husband."

Taking a few steps closer towards where I stood, she continued. "I should fuck you up for that...I never liked your trifling as-" "Mayte, ENOUGH." Prince finally spoke, casting a warning glare her way but she only scoffed. "You've got some nerve defending her...All you see is just a quick piece of ass and pussy right? She'll never be me... That's for damn sure" She wiped at her eyes again, shaking her head in pure disgust before quickly throwing back on her shades. "Next time I see you, it'll be in court. I want out." She spat angrily to Prince.

Before storming out, the last words that left her lips not only caused him to freeze in his tracks but for my blood to boil, a silent gasp escaping my lips. "You know, I'm thankful I didn't have kids with you after all. It definitely would've been a mistake." She then slammed the front door with so much force it shook the windows.

Looking over at Prince immediately I saw the hurt as well as embarrassment register behind his eyes, his body beginning to tremble. "Hey... Forget her okay?" I managed to touch his cheek but he pushed my hand away as if it were covered in poison. I knew what she said definitely had struck a painful chord as he turned on his heel, heading back up the stairs, slamming the door to his bedroom. Wiping at my own tears, I felt sick to my stomach, my vision blurred but my eyes managed to make out the photograph that was sitting on miniature table.

 Wiping at my own tears, I felt sick to my stomach, my vision blurred but my eyes managed to make out the photograph that was sitting on miniature table

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Picking it up with trembling hands, I let it fall, its  glass frame shattering all over the white marble floor. I felt like this was my fault. I shouldn't have tried to come on to him. He was happily married and I just had to fuck everything all up.

*Hey y'all! Sorry for this chapter being so damn short lol I've been suffering bad writer's block like crazy Smh I'm like genuinely stuck with all my stories rn 😖😭*

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