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"I'm going to fuck my best friend senseless..."

My eyes snapped open and a sharp gasp escaped my lips then.

The first thing I came in contact with was darkness. Complete darkness. I slowly sat up in the large bed, my heart racing. Looking around I let out a tired sigh, running a hand threw my now dishelved curls. Immediately I sensed that I wasn't in my own bed. It definitely wasn't this big or comfortable.

Yawning softly, I crawled out of the bed and noticed that I was still in my gown from earlier. So how the hell did I end up in here...My head pounded as I headed towards the door and opened it slowly, my bare feet pitter pattering along the cool white marble floors of Paisley Park. I knew it had to be either later at night or early in the morning. Once I entered the spacious kitchen I saw the familiar figure sitting at the table, their head in their hands. Clearing my throat, their head snapped up startled.

For a while there was nothing but silence that filled the kitchen before he finally spoke but not before slowly sipping his cup of tea that had rested next to him

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For a while there was nothing but silence that filled the kitchen before he finally spoke but not before slowly sipping his cup of tea that had rested next to him.

"You're finally up."

I nodded, my vision locked on my fingers. I needed answers ASAP. "What happened?" I asked cautiously. Prince stood up from the kitchen table and I felt my body tense as he approached me. "You left halfway through the ceremony so I offered to go looking for you. When I found you, you had been unconscious on the floor...." I only remained silent, taking everything in.

Was he telling the truth?

Before I could open my mouth to object he quickly continued. "Everyone else left already and I wasn't about to leave you on the floor-"
"So you put me to bed instead" I cut him off, it was more of a statement rather a question. He nodded slowly, still examining my frame as I tried to make sense of everything, putting the pieces together.

So he didn't try to seduce me after all.

I must've blacked out.

I was just dreaming it.

"Troy? I-" "Where's your wife?" I quickly spat, my eyes now focused on the thick golden jewel that adorned his left finger. It now only served as a painful memory but for some reason I couldn't tear my eyes away. "Are you alright?" He had completely doged my question and I huffed in irritation. Instead of repeating myself, I simply turned on my heel and left, walking back down the long hallway, peering my head into all the various rooms. It wasn't long before the sounds of heels echoing off the floors was heard behind me, mimicking my steps quickly. Once I reached the guest room again, I quickly looked around for my gold heels but they were nowhere to be found.

Mentally cursing at myself I turned around from searching the room and saw his frame standing near the doorway, his arms crossed almost as if he were trying to shield himself. "Upstairs. Last door to your right" Was all he said before holding out his hand. It was then I noticed that it was trembling. "Come" he whispered but instead of grabbing his hand I crossed my own arms then, quickly following him out. I just wanted to leave by this point. Things were starting to get a bit too weird.

When we finally reached the destination, Prince slowly opened the door, letting my walk inside first. My eyes widened when I realized that this was probably the one part of the house I had never been allowed to see with all my years of knowing him: his bedroom.

When the door closed quietly I snapped my head up. "What the hell are you doing?" I tried to go open it but he pointed to the large bed. Rolling my eyes I took a seat on the edge of it and he then went into the bathroom to retrieve my shoes. Why were the even up here to begin with? When he came back from the bathroom his whole demeanor had changed. He seemed much more anxious now, his hands gripping on to my shoes and the emotion casted in his darkened hazel orbs was startling. He was genuinely afraid. Taking the shoes from his hands, I placed them in my lap, no putting them on right away like I had originally planned. Instead my eyes studied the older man in front of me. "What, what happened?" He let out a shaky sigh, his entire body trembling now. "Prince." I tried again and this time his head finally snapped up. "T-The Bathroom" he whispered and I got up then, heading towards the dimly lit area.

The dark cherry colored stains on the floor were the first thing I saw. Immediately I knew what it had to have been and my heart began thumping loudly against my ribs. "Where is she!" I demanded, my vision still locked on the terrible stains.

It was blood. It had to have been.

Oh my god.

By this point I felt Prince's hand pull my arm, leading me back into the bedroom. "She, she was administered into St. Paul's. I, I didn't think it was that serious! She kept complaining about pain but I didn't-" "Pain where?" My voice was now a harsh whisper as the realization crashed like a ton of bricks. Prince pointed to his lower abdomen and immediately I bent down to place my heels back on. "Where are you going?" I didn't answer him as I took off out of the bedroom and down the steps. In the distance I saw a black car slowly pull up from one of the windows, the figure inside had shades on, their dark hair tumbling around their shoulders. Mayte.

"T-Troy wait up!" "You'll say anything to get me to stay right?!" I proceeded to briskly walk past the front desk, heading for the door which had already opened once Mayte stepped back inside, removing her shades with trembling hands, a long white trenchcoat adorned her frame. If no had stayed just a little longer I would have noticed the thin white paper band around her left wrist but I was too pissed off.
"Fuck you!" I screamed out before Prince had the chance to say something else. I bolted out the doors and to the parking lot where my car was the only one left, getting inside. My fingers trembled as they fumbled around with the keys. Shoving it into the ignition, I headed for the closest hotel I could find.

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