Phonecall Interlude.

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*Just a lil interlude Chap before 'Wedding' Pt. Two! 💖*

Immediately I sat straight up, the water swishing harshly in the bathtub. I licked my lips, the words caught in my throat. Why was she calling me? How'd she even get my phone- "How'd you get my #?" My ass didn't even try to say "hello" back. I didn't mean for my tone to sound bitchy but honestly that's how I felt. If I wasn't confused then, bitch, I surely was now. There were a few minutes of silence on the other end before she spoke, her voice still filled with caution.
"My fiance gave it to me."

That motherfucking midget.

Before I could speak more she quickly interrupted. "So um, how have you been?" I pulled the phone away from my ear, eyeing it. Really?! "Oh I've been great what about you? Congrats on the engagement by the way" I managed to sound somewhat genuine. "I've been okay.... And that's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

I had gotten out of the tub to dry off, the phone still cuddled against my ear and shoulder. "Well what's up? Need help picking out the dress or something?" I don't know how I managed to joke and sound completely fine while on the inside I felt like a pot of boiling water ready to explode. Mayte giggled quietly before sniffling on the other end. Wait was she actually crying?

"I, I designed my dress it's really beautiful" she spoke softly and I nodded even though she couldn't see me. Once I changed into a pair of grey addias sweats I sat on my bed, tapping my foot. I was growing impatient. "Listen, Mayte is that all you wanted to tell me? Because I'm really busy and-" "We're getting married tomorrow, Troy" she spoke and I stopped mid sentence, pure surprise and shock fully registering in my veins. Tomorrow?! "... On Valentine's Day?" What a fucking coincidence.

Mayte sniffled again, giving out a sigh. "Yeah. It was actually his idea" I couldn't shake the odd feeling. "Is everything alright?" I couldn't help to ask. "Why does it sound like you're crying?" "I know you and him aren't speaking anymore. But...He still talks about you." I felt my body go stiff. How was I supposed to respond to that...I couldn't bring myself to ask what she meant. "I would, I would really appreciate it if you were able to come tomorrow Troy" My eyes went wide. Huh?

"Mayte...I don't think-" "Please Troy? I know I shouldn't but I consider you as a friend. And I know that he would want you there as well. I don't know what happened between you two...." I gulped nervously before she continued "But you deserve to be here too. He- we really need you to b-be...." "Where is he?" My voice took on a soft tone now. I know, I shouldn't give a flying fuck where he was but I was still slightly curious.

"He's um...r-rehearsing. He doesn't know I'm talking to you, though" Mayte whispered. "Yet he gave you my #..." I tried not to sound like a smartass but 💁 "Yet, I went through his phone. You're still in his contacts under 'Lil Boy Name 😂' I just took a wild guess.." her voice trailed off and I felt a little spark in my heart at that. I was still in his contacts huh. I had deleted his ass from mine.

Immediately memories of when we first met flashed back in my mind. I could hear his voice echo in my mind then. "Well at least I wasn't named after no damn lil boy..."

I let out a sigh, my eyes focusing on my ceiling. Did I really want to go? "And where is it gonna be at?" "Paisley. I'll send you your plane ticket." Was all Mayte said before we said our goodbyes and she hung up. Throwing my phone on my bed, I ran a hand over my face.

"Shit." I mumbled.

Should I go?

We weren't friends anymore...At least I didn't think we were.

And what did she mean by he "still talks about me..." I guess there's only one way to find that out.

Plus I still didn't figure out why Mayte was crying either. I felt in my gut he wasn't 'rehearsing'.

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