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It was a little after 7 in the morning now when I finally woke up from a deep slumber, a pair of arms still entangled around my waist and I smiled a little, feeling his head pushed slightly into my shoulder blade, light snores releasing from his parted lips. Turning around quietly, I continued watching Prince sleep peacefully. This was actually the most I've ever seen him sleep in all the years that I've known him. I knew he had to be trying to sleep away his pain and a lump formed in my throat as I tried to release myself from his hold however his hands immediately tightened their grip around my waist.

"Don't... Please"  His voice came out exhausted and his eyes slowly fluttered open to meet with mine then. "Morning..." I whispered softly after what seemed like an eternity of silence between us.  He gave a small smile before yawning, sitting up slowly in the bed and I quickly followed suit.

"Listen, about what happened in the bathroom, I-" "It's fine" I replied knowing he still felt utterly embarrassed about his emotional outburst from last night. I had never seen him lash out like that before but it was expected, he had just lost his child. It was something I don't think he'd truly be able to get over fully. At that moment my thoughts flew back to his wife. I couldn't even imagine how she must've been doing. Why was she in Madrid anyway instead of being here with her husband? That was definitely odd...

"You want some breakfast?" I heard him ask, snapping me out of it. "Oh I could make it-" "No let me do it. You've already done so much for me, T" he spoke seriously as he started to crawl out of the bed, Left now only in his grey pj pants. I silently watched his muscles flex in his bare back as he quickly bent down to retrieve his socks. He then turned back around and my eyes darted to the bed sheet in embarrassment. Shit. I hope he hadn't caught me practically gawking. "Get dressed. I actually wanna try and do something productive today" he spoke with another smile of reassurance before heading downstairs.

After taking a shower I grabbed my suitcase from the guest room, quickly throwing on a pair of white shorts with a pink crop top and sandles. Placing my curls up in a messy bun, I went downstairs, the smell of French toast along with bacon and eggs hitting my nose instantly and my stomach grumbled. I honestly forgotten how hungry as I was from everything that had happened. Prince's bare back was to me as he whisked the eggs in a large bowl, quietly humming to himself. He seemed to be much better now...Well at least I thought.

Taking a seat at the table, he finally turned around and handed me my plate. "Thanks" I replied but didn't eat right away as my eyes settled on his left wrist. Were those scars...He didn't seem to notice that I hadn't touch my food as he went back to dipping some bread slices for more French toast. Damn he was making a lot of food...We definitely weren't gonna eat all of this. "P..." My voice was low and I slowly got up from the chair, my legs wobbly while I made me over towards where he was still at the stove. He seemed to have been in his own world again, not even acknowledging my presence. It wasn't until I had gotten closer that I saw the tears in his hazel orbs, his hands shaking while he continued to crack eggs in the bowl.

"Honey look at me" I started to touch his hand but he flinched. "I'm okay, really" he responded quickly, his attention still on the bowl but then his shoulders started to slump, the tears already trickling down his cheeks. "No... I'm n-not" his voice confessed shakily. This time when I had reached out for him he didn't turn away. Gently grabbing his left wrist, I let my index finger trace over the tiny scars. They still looked somewhat fresh, like he had just gotten cut. They also looked as if they had been caused from a razor of some sort.

The cuts started at the top of his wrist, stopping midway. My heart was pounding hard by this point as the realization hit, my own eyes clouding with fresh tears now. "W-When did you do t-this?" I managed to ask as Prince sniffled, his eyes now focused on the cuts as well. "It was after you had fallen a-asleep. I was just trying to soothe the pain. It feels like I, like I can't breathe sometimes. Like I'm fucking suffocating..." He spoke in a whisper.

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