Now What?

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It had been a few weeks after the incident with Mayte however I couldn't bring myself to meet up with Prince or even just to see him again. I kept feeling like I was the one that drove them apart. Granted, there were other contributing factors but I kept feeling like I might've had something to do with it. It was strange because hadn't even tried to call me either or shoot me any text messages either. He probably just wanted his space. I was now back in California, cleaning up around my small apartment when my phone buzzed on the kitchen counter.

"Turn on TV."  Was all the text message said. Nervously swallowing, I stared down at the tiny screen for a few moments. Without giving much thought I quickly shot a text back, my fingers shaking slightly. "Are you alright??" It was a few minutes of silence before my phone buzzed again.

"Just turn it on channel 6 Troy." "Well damn" I whispered, rolling my eyes before letting out a huff and turning the TV on. Immediately my head cocked to the side in confusion. Why does he want me to watch the Oprah Winfrey Show?

Before I had the chance to start texting again I saw the familiar face, well more like faces on my television screen and my breath got caught in my throat. They were both dressed in white attire, sitting gracefully next to each other as Oprah talked about what the marriage  life was like. "When the hell did this happen?" I spoke softly to myself, starting to feel slightly ill. They were obviously lying outta their asses, going on about how happy they were and how they're each other soulmates. I also noticed just how even more thinner he had gotten. I think what got to me the most was when Oprah started asking questions about their child. Immediately they both put on their pokerfaces but I could see the hurt peeking underneath their smiles.

 By now the years were already trickling down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand

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By now the years were already trickling down my cheeks and I quickly wiped them away with the back of my hand. As I watched in silence at him now showing Oprah the nursery room I grabbed the remote, turning the tv off. Blindly I dialed his number, trying desperately to keep my emotions under control as the phone rang.

"You watched." His voice was low, laced with exhaustion. He should be sleeping right now. Leaning back on the couch, I chewed on my bottom lip before I gave a soft reply. "Why did y'all lie?" Prince didn't answer right away. Instead he completely changed the topic. "You still in Minnie?"

"I'm back home now"

"... I'll be there by midnight. I have to discuss things with you."

And with that the phone clicked, signifying he had hung up.

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