"Now tell me where the fuck you have been ?"

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Sarah drove home, she had to admit that it was very flattering to know, that such an amazing man not only liked her, but he was willing to fight for her, if her life just hadn't been this complicated.
But she also had to admit to herself, that even if she had been free to take the chance on him, she might not have dared, they lived kind of far apart and he had a very busy life.
And his dating history was a bit, well shady in her opinion, he hadn't really been dating, not publicly in the beginning of his career, sparking rumours of him being gay.
Then there had been some short lived high profile relationships, which most people believed to be fake, sparking more rumours of him being gay and/or fame hungry.
And then he meets some b-line actress, apparently falling heads over heel, making it public right away, getting enganged after only a couple of months, but it didn't last long and he didn't seem to broken up about it, was he even capable of a lasting relationship ? She was at least sure he wasn't gay.
How she wished her life was easy and uncomplicated, instead of being caught in a dead relationship with a controlling and jealous man and being in love with a movie star who could only hurt her.
She went into the living-room and sat down beside Jerry. "See it didn't take long, I am already back".
"No, you are certainly quick, was Hayley happy to see you ?" He looked at her like he actually cared for once.
Sarah was shortly wondering why he was suddenly interested, but it was a good thing, wasn't it ? "Yeah, she really needed someone to talk to".
"Oh yeah you can say that, so much she called you twice while you were with her". He threw her phone in her lap, it had two unanswered calls from Hayley.
"She must have called to hear when I would be there". Sarah could feel the panic, she hadn't thought about the possibility of Hayley calling.
He grabbed her hair, yanking her head back, screaming into her face. "Now tell me where the fuck you have been, you where with him, weren't you ?"
"I'm so sorry Jerry, it was for work, I just didn't want to make you worried or that you misunderstood, I am sorry I lied to you". She could feel the tears starting to spill.
"Do you really want me to believe that ? You are nothing put a fucking whore, whom apparently think she can make a career on her back". He is pulling her hair again and she screams from the pain.
She was sobbing, trying to make him let go. "Jerry you are hurting me, I promise you, nothing has happened, I love you, please believe me".
And the he hits her, his fist colliding with her cheekbone, making her scream out in pain. "You are never lying to me again and you are quitting that job tomorrow".
""I can't do that Jerry, I got a contract, I cant just quit and we need the money". She was desperat, she couldn't quit, then she would never see Tom again.
"I don't care shit about the money, do you really think I will accept that you work with him anymore ?" He asks fuming.
She got an ide, if he would just believe it. "I can ask to be moved to another production ?"
"And then you wouldn't be working with him anymore ?" His grab relaxing a tiny bit.
"No, I probably would never see him again at all". She tried to sound convincing and like she didn't care.
He let her go, hissing at her. "Do that then but if I find out you are lying to me or that you are doing anything with him, then I swear to God that I will kill the both of you".
She just nodded and hurried out into the bathroom and after that she went to bed, hiding her face under the pillow crying, what was she to do ? Dared she lie to Jerry ? Or did she have to give in and never see Tom again ?

Broken and reborn ? See the doctor (a Tom Hiddleston Story)Where stories live. Discover now