Chapter 18 - Halo

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I've been in a sad funk since Halloween. Brendan and I are so compatible. But what can I do about it when he will be at the other side of the world?

He also didn't make a move during the party. Our interaction wasn't much different than what I have with Taylor. Maybe he isn't interested or he didn't want me to get ideas that he can't make true.

I take a last look at the store and turn off the lights. I had decent sales today and enough requests in my email. It's the first week of November and people are making some early Christmas shopping.

A duo of hungry kittens receive me. I get some treats from the cupboard and they jump happily on the table. My boys are growing fast. The door bell rings and I head to open the door. Taylor is outside and so to see alone.

"I was in your driveway when I saw the lights in the barn go off," he says.

"I called it a day. I didn't think I was going to see you so soon,"

"I'm not seeing Jessica anymore," he wheels himself to his favorite place by my chimney.

"Because of what she said at the party?"

"No. Her knowledge of the geek world is minimal, but you can learn about those things. I had a few issues with her. She introduced me to her friends as if I were a charity case. They all threw looks of pity at me and talked loudly. I'm crippled, not deaf.

One night we were making out at my apartment and she was touching me. She asked me why I didn't get hard. I told her that I don't feel anything past my pelvis. She freaked out and went home. She called me the next day to apologize. I believe she felt truly sorry. Things were awkward after that moment. But what made me decide not to see her anymore was because she made a rude comment about you at the party,"

"What did she say?"

"It's not important or worth repeating. It bothered me tremendously. You are one of the best things that has happened to me,"

I lean in and give him a hug.

"You are still an asshole for ignoring me in the last weeks," I say in his ear.

"I'm sorry," he laughs. "She didn't leave me in peace. We would see each other and then she wanted me to call her to spend another hour on the phone. Not even in my teens I did that,"

"I don't think I would like that either. Sometimes I think I was meant to be a guy,"

"Well, I'm happy that you aren't. You are okay the way you are,"

"Only okay? Jeez I'm glad we are not dating. You just killed the romance,"I shake my head at his remark while he laughs.

"Your birthday is coming up. Do you have any plans with Brendan? I like him. You two are a good match,"

I tell him about the unfortunate events about Brendan.

"I'm sorry to hear this. That is one date less then. How many dates do you still need?"

"I'm over the ten dates as I went out with Keon a few times. If I count the guys, then I still need three dates. Lisa told me to forget about the dare after her break up. She has it tough,"

"Not that tough. I spoke with her at the party when I went to the kitchen. She has a date on Friday,"

"She didn't say anything!"

I grab my phone and type: Date on Friday? then send it to her. I see another notification. A message from Evan.

"Evan can hook us with tickets for the World Championships tonight?"

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