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Today will be my day.

I gave myself a mental prep talk as I approached my aunts house. My aunt has recently remarried to a man who has 9 kids; none of which I have ever met but that's all going to change in about two minutes. Great. The butterfly's in my stomach are flying out of control as I think about what madness I could be thrown into as I settle myself into my new home.

"LOLA ROSE!" I heard the sudden screams of my aunt as the taxi halted outside an enormous house, no, a fucking mansion! I expected it to be big but not this big and beautiful and just wow. "I've missed you so much, get out here and give your Aunt Diane a hug!"

After a brief catch up and bear hug with my aunt I was dragged inside to meet the kids. I couldn't help but stare at the amazing architectural work that had been put into this equally amazing house. We wandered into what looked like the living room with beautifully crafted sofas, furry rugs, a massive open fire roaring up the chimney and of course the nine kids accompanied by two rather attractive and identical older men. There was 4 boys all with various styles of ash blond hair and sea blue eyes, 4 boys with various styles of light brunette hair and the same sea blue eyes, then sat on the farthest sofa, seemingly trying to make herself invisible, was a small girl with the brunette coloured pigtails and the same sea blue eyes as all the older boys.

After masses of introductions, handshakes, bear hugs, awkward hugs, shy smiles and cocky remarks I had been escorted to my room by the two eldest of the boys, one with ash blond hair that I remembered to be Dylan, the other with light brunette hair whose name I think is Ashley. I was left alone in my new room, in my new house with a load of bags to unpack and a note that was clearly written by my aunt describing who's who.

The Parker's.

My Husband Mike💍

His children👫 Dylan, Fintan, Jake and Jj.

Mikes brother Barney👬

Barney's children👫 Ashley, Bradley&Nathaniel(twins), Tarun and Bella.

Dylan-21-Works on the farm.

Ashley-20-Works on the farm.

Bradley-18-Works on the farm.

Nathaniel-18-Works on the farm.

Tarun-17-Works on the farm.

Fintan-16-Goes to school.

Jake-15-Goes to school.

Jj-14-Goes to school.

Bella-6-Goes to school.

After reading and re-reading the note and thinking of the snippets of conversations had with the overly large family I can slightly remember who is who and who does what. All guys with the ash blond hair are the children of Mike who is now married to my aunt and all the children with brown hair are children of Barney who is Mikes brother and all the children are cousins; all with last name Parker. The prestigious equestrian competition yard that I had given up college for, after having a job opportunity thrust at me, is none other than the farm establishment run by the Parker's. The yard has 2 main sections to it; firstly anything equestrian including stables, indoor and outdoor arenas, show jumping ring, turnout paddocks and living accommodation for staff, then the more agricultural side of things, anything cattle or sheep related including another staff accommodation building is on the other side of the magnificent driveway.

I think I need to take a nap.

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