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After a couple of days I was all back to normal and headed back to work. As I jumped out of the truck I stumbled and fell to the floor. All of the boys laughed at me and obviously took pictures of me sprawled on the floor. I heard an obnoxious voice approach us.

"Aw look, the little girl can't handle being in charge so skips work for days and then fakes an injury as soon as she gets back." I hauled myself up so I was face to face with Nick.

"Watch yourself, Whitmore." I glared at him.

"You really think I'm scared of you?"

"Regardless of whether you are or aren't scared of me, the fact is I've already snatched your job from underneath your nose without even attempting to. Imagine what I could do if I really tried?" I smirked.

"You will regret crossing me." He turned to walk off but I grabbed his arm.

"See, you say that but you've yet to prove it." He shrugged his arm from my grip before I carried on, "we both know I'm in charge now, so what I say goes and right now I say get and clean your key horses tack because it's disgusting." I winked smoothly at him as I heard the boys stifling their laughter behind me.

I flounced away from Nick headed towards block C to see Rogue; I was most worried about him because 1) all the other staff had taken responsibility of caring for my other three key horses and 2) I could hear shoed hooves clanging against a brick wall. I picked up the pace and sprinted towards his stable. Joel was pinned against a wall by Rogue who was baring his teeth at him and kicking out towards the doorway where other staff members were trying to help.

"Rogue!" I said firmly, keeping my voice calm and not raising it too much. "You pack that in right now, mister!" I stepped into the stable, having to jump out of the way as Rogues legs lashed out towards me.

"That is it. I've had enough. How dare you try and kick me Rogue." As if sensing the disappointment of my tone he stopped dead still. I grabbed the headcollar that was being held out to me and walked around Rogues legs to reach his head.

"Joel, are you okay?" I asked calmly, not turning my attention from the upset horse.

"Fine. Just a bit shaken up I suppose." He replied calmly considering what had just happened.

"Just stay there for a second longer." I said as I reached to put the headcollar on Rogue. He stood completely still as I did so, only moving as I asked him to move to the side of the stable so Joel could get out. I couldn't look him in the eye. I just can't believe he tried to kick me. He nuzzled his head into my front but I couldn't bring myself to offer him any sort of encouragement other than just letting him stand there.

"Someone take Joel up to the lunchroom and make him a cup of sugary, milky tea for the shock please." It was all I could get out, I was just so disappointed after all the work I put into him that he didn't even recognise me after only a couple of days. I finished brushing the stable out and checked his hay before releasing the headcollar and letting myself out of the stable.

"Lola," Robin shouted to me from the entrance of the arena, "we need you in a meeting in ten minutes. Josh can finish up with Bentley."

"Okay," I said as I pulled Bentley up to a stop and jumped off, "what's it about?"

"I have no idea, something to do with Nick I believe."

"Oh, fucking fabulous." I waited with Bentley until Josh came over.

"Hey, I know you're not feeling great about the whole Rogue fiasco this morning but don't beat yourself up about it, Lo." Josh's words did little to comfort me and he enveloped me in a hug. As I went to pull away he pinched my bum and winked at me.

"Keep your hands to yourself, Hutchins." I playfully scolded him.

"Oh, well if we're on last name terms now, give me a leg up Walker." I rolled my eyes and grabbed his poised leg to give him a leg up onto the 17.1hh jumping machine of a horse. Josh went to jump on the count of three but instead of hoisting him I dropped him and he lost his balance, falling to floor. I caught hold of the reins to stop Bentley from wandering off and winked at him as he got back up.

"Sorry sweet cheeks, I've got a meeting to get to. You know where the mounting block is." I waltzed past him, smacking his butt as I did so and once again winking at him as he started to lead Bentley to the mounting block in the corner of the arena.

"You really are something, Lola." Josh shouted as I walked off.

"You know it." I replied and headed up to my meeting.

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