Chapter 6

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Nath had dragged me down a flight of stairs (which I never even knew existed) and into the basement. Apparently no one ever came in here, which I guess explains why me and Nath have been hiding down here for the past hour listening to the confused and slightly irritated shouts of the rest of the boys. By the sounds of it Dyl, Ash, Taz, Mike, Barney and Aunt Diane had joined in the search, which means it must be getting into the late afternoon if they were back from the yard. Both mine and Nath's phones have been ringing off the hook but we decided to ignore them and let the hunt continue.

"So, what shall we do to pass the time now that you've given up on cards?" Nath asked quietly, whilst putting the playing cards carefully back into the box.

"Let's sneak out!" I suggested brightly, feeling the adrenaline and excitement building up inside of me.

"Where else would we go?"

"Somewhere they would never think to look for you. We need to make a proper plan to get them all when we get back!" Identical smirks made their way onto both of our faces as we prepared to sneak out. Nath stood up and reached out for my hand. We made our way up the stairs, as quietly as possible, still hand in hand. Nath stopped leading me once he reached the top and quickly looked around.

"Coast's clear, let's go." Nath informed me as he dragged me along behind him once again. We slowly and quietly crept down the hall as Nath stopped suddenly causing me to crash into him but he quickly recovered, catching me between the wall and his own body. He wiggled his eyebrows at me as my breathing and heart rate rapidly increased due to the fact I was being pinned against a wall by one of the hottest guys I have ever laid my eyes on. After checking I was okay, Nath once again took my hand in his and lead me through the house and all the way to the end of the block before we stopped and spoke properly.

"Lo, come on. We all know you have the hots for me but throwing yourself at me like that.." Nath's smirk grew as he continued to talk before I cut him off.

"Shut up, where are we going?" I asked quickly, trying to change the subject as a slight blush crept onto my cheeks. I didn't really fancy Nath did I?

"Somewhere fabulous!" Nath announced, swishing his arms and twirling in a circle whilst I cracked up laughing. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and looked down at me grinning before leading me off, still refusing to tell me where we were headed.

Nath steered me to a cosy looking little cafe. It had red lettering across the front that read "Mary's" in swirly writing, the window frames and the door were also painted in the same colour red. As the door opened a little bell dinged from above it and there were quaint little window boxes full of flowers, that varied in shades of red. From outside I could see that the interior decor very much matched the outside and all the waitresses and waiters wore matching red tops and black trousers or skirts and they all had the same genuine smile. Nath led me inside, where we were instantly greeted by one of the smiling staff, who then shouted to the other members of staff.

"Nath's here, he's got a girl!" His shout was met by hollers of the the other male staff and various shouts 'aw how sweet' from the female staff members. Nath rolled his eyes and grinned at the staff members who then resumed what they were previously doing whilst I stood there completely confused and probably the colour of a tomato. The young male who had shouted to the rest of the cafe led us to a table in the back corner of cafe that was slightly more secluded but also gave us a view of the rest of the building. Nath pulled my chair out for me to sit in before sitting in his own, which earned him a friendly snicker from our waiter; who's name tag read 'Johno'. He gave us one last smile before turning to leave but Nath stopped him.

"If any of the others, including Dad, Mike or Diane, come in then we aren't here and haven't been for the whole day and sneak us out the back. Tell everyone, okay?" He told Johno.

"Nathaniel Parker, are you sneaking around with one the other boys girlfriends? I thought it more of Dylan's thing to do that." He smirked, while I gasped in shock and Nath started to laugh.

"This is Lola. You know Diane's niece that is staying with us." Nath confirmed.

"And is not anyone's girlfriend." I added.

"Not yet by the looks of things. Anyway, I'll leave you guys to it, holler when you want to order." He smirked before wandering off to serve another table.

"Who the hell is that?" I asked Nath, I was growing more and more confused.

"Johno, he works here. This is my Grans cafe, she only wanted people she was friends with to work here." Nath stopped his explanation short to examine my confused face. "All of the older woman working are friends of my Gran and all of the younger staff, are all about our age, are the grandchildren of my Grans friends. We're all really close and sometimes if some of us have days off from the yard we come and work here too." My confusion started to lift. Before I got the chance to reply we were approached again by Johno.

"So Johno got to meet Nath's pretty, new lady so I thought it was my turn." He told us, so this isn't Johno then. "Hi, I'm Robbo. Johno is my twin." He turned and smiled brightly at me as he spoke.

"This is Lola, Diane's niece. Not my new lady" Nath chuckled slightly as he said the last bit.

"Ah, so you're the famous Lola. I've heard so much about how brilliant you are. All of the Parker boys love you and I can definitely see why." Robbo complimented me as a strong blush grew up my cheeks.

"Thank you, I guess. I prefer you to your twin so far!" I smiled. I noticed Nath shift, almost as if he was uncomfortable in the situation. Robbo grinned at me before speaking again.

"Johno will hate that, you are my new favourite! Anyway, can I take your orders?"

"I'll have the double toffee cheesecake and a white chocolate latte." Nath ordered.

"That sounds good, I'll have the same please." I smiled to Robbo before he left with our orders. I turned to grin at Nath, who smiled pleasantly back at me.

"Now to make a plan. We have to get them all real good!" I spoke with a grin on my face which Nath happily returned.

Today will be my day.Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu