Chapter 14

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I made my way to the meeting room keeping a grin on my face the entire time. There was no way I was letting Nick bring me down. I couldn't help but think about how Nath had blanked me just a second ago, what was that about? I approached the meeting room to be faced with a very triumphant looking Nick, standing against a wall awaiting my arrival.

"Ah, look who's arrived, it's my favourite person." Nick tried his best to unnerve me with his sarcastic approach but I'd become accustomed to that by now.

"Whitmore." I greeted him with a nod of my head.

"I told you that a pathetic little girl as yourself wouldn't control a horse like Rogue."

"And I told you, I don't particularly care for your opinion on my abilities."

"I've got the upper hand here, we both know it so just give it up."

"I've got nothing to lose but I sense that you do?" I waited for his reaction but I didn't receive one. "Point proven." I winked at him as his grew more and more furious.

Robyn opened the door to the meeting room. "Ah Lola, you look rather happy." He winked at me. "Nick, you look absolutely furious is everything okay?"

"It will be once you've decided to throw her out and give me back my job." He fumed.

"Well, in that case you both had better come inside." Robyn held the door open for us both to walk through. Nick barged me out of the way and stormed into the room.

"After you, Whitmore." I grinned as Robyn shook his head at me, matching my grin.

"Lola. Nick. Good to see you both, though the circumstance in which we have called you both here us not so good." Mike greeted us as Barney just nodded his head.

The meeting went by hilariously, every time Nick made a dig at me he lost his temper and ended up in nasty rants and really getting in my face as I sat still in my seat completely humouring him. The whole reason for the meeting was that Nick had reported me for unprofessional conduct towards himself as an employee but he completely showed himself up and is now on his last chance before he faces losing his job completely.

"Lola," Barney addressed me, "you may leave now, we only have a couple more things to clear up with Nick. I'm sure you have lots to be doing so you'll be called in if we may need you again. Thanks for your cooperation."

"Not a problem, bye guys." I winked back at them as I rose from my seat and exited the room. As I was heading back to my stable block I seen Nath again, who was seemingly trying to avoid looking towards me. I ran up to him and jumped on his back, pecking his cheek as I giggled. He dropped me on the floor and went to walk off but I had jumped back up and grabbed his arm before he got the chance.

"What is fucking wrong with you?" My crude self asked him.

"What's wrong with me?! What's wrong with you?" He snapped rudely.

"What have I done?"

"Don't play dumb with me, Lola."

"What are you bloody talking about?" My anger started to rise.

"I seen you and Josh."

"I still don't know what you're talking about."

"Flirting with him!" Now Nath's anger was rising.



"When? How? Just what the fuck?!" I was close to flipping my lid.

"Earlier on, in the schooling arena. You were all touchy with other and winking. Why would you do that to me Lola?"

"Do what to you? I don't have a clue what's going on here, how am I supposed to know what I've down wrong?!"

Nath sighed, "forget it." He turned to walk off but I grabbed his arm again.

"Oh no you don't. You stay here and finish what you fucking started! What is going on?" I demanded. Nath sighed again.

"LOLA! We need you! NOW!" A masculine voice called from my stable block. I looked coldly at Nath before taking off in the direction of the voice.

I reached Rogue's stable before finding the cause of the commotion. Rogue had Nick pinned against a wall, grinding his teeth in an extremely threatening manner right in Nick's face. I sensed Rogues next move before he did and I swooped in. Putting myself between Rogue and Nick, I spoke firmly to the horse who then cautiously moved back.

"Whitmore, get out of here slowly."

"Get out if my way, I had this under control."

"Oh yeah, looked like it." I retorted.

"I did! Get out of my way, I'll prove I can handle this pathetic creature." He shoved me out of the way and instantly Rogue saw red and lunged at Nick with his teeth bared. I once again put myself between Rogues thrashing teeth and Nicks slightly shaking form. I could see the blood on his arm accompanied by the rip in his shirt sleeve. I manoeuvred Rogue to the other side of the stable.

"Someone get Whitmore out, he's going to need medical attention on that and frankly I don't even want to look at him right now." I spat angrily.

I waited until Nick had been removed from the stable block before leaving Rogues stable.

"Are you okay, Lola?" Joel asked me with concern evident on his face.

"Yeah. Thanks Joel."

"Why do you keep saving Nick when he puts himself in danger with Rogue?"

"He is a member of staff in my stable block and that makes him my responsibility. I care about my responsibilities even if I don't like them." Joel wrapped me in a hug and I let a few stray tears make their way down my face before heading off to the car to go home.

As I was approaching the car I caught eye contact with Nath, who promptly turned his head and got into the other car. I slid in and sighed.

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