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After a very long, tiresome day at the yard the Parker clan had decided to go out for a meal but I crashed out asleep as soon as we got home so didn't make it out with them. I sat up slowly feeling my stomach churning and bile slowly rising up my throat. I legged it to the bathroom and knelt over the toilet. As I was emptying the contents of my stomach I felt someone gently pull the hair away from my face and into a loose ponytail before rhythmically rubbing circles into my back. I finished and wiped my mouth as the hand continued to rub my back before a voice came to accompany it.

"Can I get you anything sweetheart?"

"Nath, I'm tired." Was all I could manage to reply before collapsing in his arms.

I awoke, once again encased in a safe and warm atmosphere. I knew Nath had to be with me but I could here other people talking. I think it sounded like Brad and Jj.

"Nath mate, Lo is looking rough." Gee thanks J.

"Yeah man, what's up with her? I knew she wasn't well when she didn't try to steal any of my m&m's on the way home." Well you never share anyway Brad.

"I don't know man. She was asleep for ages, then I heard her take off across the landing and I found her in the bathroom puking her guts up before she just collapsed on me."

"Wow man, that sucks. How long has she been asleep since?"

"Dunno, a couple of hours maybe."

With that my stomach churned and once again I knew I was going to be sick again. I leapt up from the bed, startling the three boys, and headed to the toilet once again. I cleaned myself up and stood up, turning around to face Nath who returned the smile I offered.

"Come on, sweetheart. Your room or mine?"

"Yours." I decided as he scooped me up into his arms and carried me to his room. He placed me carefully back onto the bed before climbing in with me and wrapping the covers firmly around us. I was drifting off again when I heard a camera click. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and shifted up a bit.

"Now you've woken up her, idiot." Nath scolded someone. He rocked me slightly, asking if I was feeling any better. I sat up properly to see Jj.

"Hey J." I smiled weakly at him.

"Hey Lo. Diane sent me up to see how you were."

"Shitty." He grinned at my response.

"Do you want anything? Water or some food?"

"No thanks, J." I smiled weakly once again.

"You should probably drink something, sweetheart." Nath offered kindly.

"Yeah, can I please have some water?" I asked Jj.

"Of course. I'll bring you some up." Jj left as he finished speaking and I cuddled further into Nath.

"What if you get sick?" I asked him.


"Well, if you're this close to me you're bound to catch the germs and get sick as well."

"Then you can look after me and tie my hair up when I'm being sick for me." He winked at me. Jj returned with a bottle of water and gave to me before heading off somewhere else. I tried and struggled to open the bottle before giving up in a huff.

"Nath, I can't do it. My arms just don't work. Everything aches and this bottle is just stupid." He laughed at me before reaching to get the bottle I had thrown on the floor, (by thrown I really mean just dropped angrily because I have no strength in any of my muscles), and opening the lid off with ease. I sipped slowly at the water as we watched reruns of FRIENDS.

"If I was one of the characters, which one do you think I would be?" Nath asked me randomly.

"Hmm, I think Joey."

"Why? Do you think I'm stupid?"

"No, you clown." I laughed. "Because you're the loveable one, who obviously gets all the girls." I smiled at him, still trying to fight the faint urge to be sick and the dull ache in all of muscles.

"You think I get all the girls?" He seemed genuinely hurt or offended or something like that.

"Nath, I was joking, babe. What's this about?"

"What's what about?"

"The sudden defensiveness."

"I'm not being defensive."

"I'm too tired to argue with you, Nath. Goodnight." I snuggled into the duvet now with my back to Nath. I heard him sigh and turn the tv off before cuddling into the back of me.

"Goodnight, sweetheart." He whispered quietly and kissed me below my ear.

I woke up feeling cold and lonely. Where was Nath? I heard footsteps and someone rustling through clothes. I sat up and looked around.

"Oh, you're awake. You were freezing when I got up, I was just getting you another jumper."

"Thank you." I smiled weakly. "I need to get up now anyway."

"What? No you don't." Nath argued.

"Yes, I have to work, Nath."

"Pft, yeah right. Lola, sweetheart, you can hardly sit up without wincing in pain. You've got the flu or something, you really need to stay home and recover for a couple of days."

"No way. What about Rogue?" I complained and forced my aching muscles to bring me up out of the bed. "We've been making so much progress, if I just don't turn up he's going to think I've given up on him!"

"Sweetheart, please get back in bed." Nath pleaded sweetly to me. I crossed my arms over my chest and refused to sit back down even though my body furiously screamed at me to just fall back into a peaceful slumber. Nath approached me, jumper in hand, and uncrossed my arms before tugging the jumper over my head. He fixed the jumper so it sat properly on my petite frame, even though it was made for his much bigger, masculine frame and kissed my forehead sweetly before picking me up and tucking me into bed again.

"I'll bring you something to eat. If you try and get up again, I'm getting Diane, okay?"

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