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I awoke the next morning, after a peaceful slumber, encased in a safe atmosphere. It was then that I realised, my pillow was Nath's bare chest. His legs were entangled with mine and his arms were securely locked around my waist - protecting me. I looked up at his perfectly carved face and smiled before gently shaking him awake.

"Get up, we have to work Nath."

"Mhmmm, not yet." He managed to mumble as he rolled over snuggling closer into me. I swear to god my heart is going to explode and these butterflies in my stomach are just out of control but I could not wipe the smile off my face. It took all of my will power to shake him awake once again instead of just staying here cuddling with one of the most beautiful guys I have ever laid my eyes on.

"Well at least let me get up, Nath." I pleaded with him as best as I could but my heart really wasn't in it.

"Lola, cuddle with me for five more minutes then we can get up."


"I promise, sweetheart." My heart fluttered as I gave in and cuddled further into his warm embrace.

I didn't even realise we had fallen asleep until I felt a cold sensation wash over me. I jumped up with a start, as did Nath. Aunt Diane, Barney and Brad were standing there laughing hysterically. Brad and Barney were both armed with water guns and Aunt Diane had just tipped cold water over us.

"You lovebirds need to get up or you're going to make everyone late!" Aunt Diane scolded as Barney and Brad snickered from behind her.

"Yeah and plus, you don't want to be late on your first day in charge, do you Lo?" Barney grinned at me, still poised with his water gun.

"Get out!" Nath and I snapped simultaneously at the three grinning idiots. They all turned to leave, laughing amongst themselves. Brad stopped in the door and turned to face us.

"Lola, it's not going to look very professional if you you end up finding out you're pregnant after only a few weeks in charge." Brad grinned at me as he went to escape out of the door. I lunged after him, avoiding Nath's attempt to grab me and hold me back. Brad seemed to think he was safe as he was walking cooly down the massive corridor. I charged for him and jumped on his back which ended up with us both tumbling down the stairs. We wound up at the bottom of the staircase in a mess of tangled limbs and groans of pain. I heard multiple sounds of footsteps rushing towards us, some descending down the stairs and others possibly heading from the kitchen. Aunt Diane started her panic and I heard the sound of camera clicks.

"Lo, sweetheart, are you okay?" Nath asked me with concern clearly written over his features as he bent down to speak to me. Moving Brads leg away from my face so he could see me properly.

"Yeah, no one worry about me. It wasn't as if I was attacked or anything." Brad huffed as he disentangled himself from me and stood up. He brushed the dust off himself and headed towards the kitchen for breakfast. I went to stand up but Nath placed his gentle hands on my shoulders preventing me from moving anymore than into a sitting position. Looking into my eyes, he asked again if I was okay.

"Nath, I'm fine. Please let me stand up." I pleaded, returning his gentle stare. He hesitantly stood up and offered me down his hand before helping me up. Once again he surveyed me, making sure I was really was fine before wrapping me up in a loose hug.

"Come on, sweetheart. Let's get you some breakfast. You've got a big day today." Nath grinned at me and started towards the kitchen. My stomach churned, partly with hunger, partly due to the fact that today was my first day in charge and also partly due to my newly acquired pet name from Nath. I smiled and ignored my aching limbs before I headed off after Nath towards the kitchen.

"What are you eating, babe?" Nath asked me.

"Cornflakes please hunny bunny." Brad answered before I had the chance to react.

"Not you, you dork."

"Ow, hurtful." Brad exaggerated as he clutched his hand to his chest, above where his heart lay. "Oh yeah, I forgot I'm angry with you."

"What, why?" Nath asked him, confusion written on his face. "What have I done now?"

"It's what you didn't do." Brad answered, sounding sneakily mischievous.

"Well, what didn't I do?" Nath had clearly picked up on the sneaky tone in Brads previous answer.

"You didn't keep your woman under control man. You let her attack me." Brad faked hurt.

"I tried man."

"Not good enough, she scat me down the stairs!"

"Come on, Brad. You've met Lola, how can anyone control her?" Nath grinned. "She even put Nick in his place. I mean how stubborn and defiant have you got to be to do that when you're only a 17-year old, skinny, blonde, female like her?" Brad grinned, his face now completely matching Nath's.

"I'm willing to pretend that wasn't offensive if you both make me breakfast." I glared at them both. "I'm going to get dressed, I expect it laid out ready by the time I return." I turned to walk out of the kitchen.

"Lola, wait!" Brad chirped up. I turned around raising my eyebrows for him to continue. "Nice pyjamas." He winked at me as I realised I had once again been caught out in my fluffy pink shorts and an oversized t-shirt. I rolled my eyes and walked off. I faintly heard a comment about how 'hot' my bum looks in the shorts, followed by the sound of a punch and whimpers of pain. Oh those boys.

After eating the breakfast that the boys prepared for me, we left the house to head to work. It was just me, Nath and Brad as Barney had headed off after rudely awakening me and Nath with the water gun. Nath was driving his brand new land rover and Brad was sulking in the back because I called shotgun.

"That's the second time you've broken the bro code this morning man." Brad huffed.

"Sorry man but Lo-"

"Is that Rogue?!" I screamed, cutting Nath off and causing him to stop the truck. I jumped out quickly and started climbing the fence into the field. We were about three fields away from the Parker's estate and Rogue could easily have jumped the hedges in between. I took off across the fields in a panic to rescue my horse.

His head shot up in surprise and he turned to take off away from me. That was until he heard my voice. He slowly turned back around until he was facing me and stood there waiting for. Me to approach him.

"Hey handsome boy." I cooed. "What are you doing out here? Maybe we should take you home, ay?"

Nath approached slowly. Rogue visibly tensed as he did so but calmed as I continued to talk softly to him.

"Dad said there's no way we'll be able to load him now. Do you reckon you could walk him back?"

"I could try, do we have a headcollar or anything?"

"No, we have absolutely nothing we could even try to make do with. Lo, he trusts you. He wants to protect you. Rogue will walk with you. I just know it."

"Well, I guess I could try." I started to walk and cooed to Rogue to follow me. Which he did, he rested his nose on my shoulder as we wandered away from Nath.

"Meet us in the top paddock with a headcollar, in case he panics going through the yard." I said to Nath.

"Lola, he trusts you. If you are with him, I doubt he will panic too much but of course we will." With that he started back off to the truck, where Brad was on the phone updating everyone on what was happening.

"Come on, Rogue." I stared walking again with Rogues nose placed on my shoulder. "Let's go home."

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