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I awoke to the sounds of muttering above my head; it sounded like they were arguing about waking someone up. I slowly opened my eyes to reveal two of the most gorgeous boys on the face of the earth standing beside my bed, deep in a heated debate about something. I sat up and neither of them noticed as they carried on arguing. Staring at the boys, trying to remember their names I cleared my throat, startling both of them as they jumped back from the bed.

"Ah you're finally awake, hurry and get dressed if you want any breakfast and plus you don't want to be late for work on your first day now do you?" Blonde haired boy spoke first before leaving in a hurry, probably to get ready himself. Brown haired boy smiled at me before apologising for his cousin, Dylan and reintroducing himself, Tarun then excused himself to also start getting ready. I looked around my room cursing my laziness for not unpacking anything before going to sleep last night.

I hurried to find a crisp white pair of jodhpurs and polo shirt to put on before I grabbed my polished leather riding boots and running down the stairs to try and secure myself some breakfast before I head off to my new job. I got to the kitchen to find the twins fighting over a plate of toast and Bella sitting in a corner on her own staring into her bowl of coco pops as if they somehow held all the answers to life that she would ever need. As I walked in the boys didn't notice me so I decided to grab a croissant from the middle of the table and sit down next to Bella. I sat down on the bench next to Bella trying to make small talk with her but she still sat staring into her cereal completely blanking me from her life.

"LOLA" Bradley or Nathaniel hollered at me as one clambered across the bench to slide in next to me whilst the other dived onto the bench opposite me, "come on, we're driving you today since you don't have your car and everyone else left for the first call this morning."

"Wait, what? First call?" I questioned, feeling majorly confused.

"Yeah, Dyl, Ash and Taz left at five this morning with Uncle Mike to get the yard started and we're leaving with Dad in a minute so we're there by eight for second call, by the time we get there all the animals will be fed and their stables and pens will have been cleaned and they'll all be ready for work," the other twin chipped in.

"Yeah, so when we get there we'll take you straight down to stables to meet the top trainer, Robin, he'll be helping you with your demonstrations and training the youngsters" Now with a slightly clearer understanding of what may happen today I started to get more excited but also more anxious about what was ahead for me.

I walked into one of the three stable blocks, that housed 30 horses each, and just gawked at the surroundings. Robin began explaining things to me about what I would be expected to wear, at what times I would be expected to be doing different things and such like.

"The first three horses in this block will be your responsibility to keep fit and exercised, you will be expected to monitor their feeds, how much haylage they are given and when, how much turnout time they get and basically any whim they may have will be your responsibility. Once you have settled in properly and have shown us your competence you will receive more horses for which you are the key care giver but for now you have Bentley, Novelty and Boebka" Robin continued to talk as he pointed out the three horses and handed me a file on each one. "They all have their own tack, rugs etc. Headcollars and lead ropes are expected to be kept hanging on the door of the horse which they belong to unless they are in use and rugs and tack in their allocated spaces in the tack room. Joel here will show you to the tack room, I want to see you out in the outdoor schooling arena ready to ride Bentley in fifteen minutes."

He gestured to a man who looked to be in his early twenties as he turned and left the building. As Joel introduced himself and helped me to the schooling arena with a fully equipped Bentley in tow, I quickly browsed over the three files I had been left; I discovered Bentley would be competed by Josh Hutchins (who Joel told me was Robins son) but would be exercised daily by me unless Josh needed him to practice his jumping for a competition in which case Josh may want to ride him himself, Novelty known in the stable as Nova would be the horse I used in flatwork demonstrations and Boebka known as Billy in the stable, would one day make a jumper for Josh to compete but first needed to learn the basics and sort his manners and attitude out which of course would be my job, he would be a hard ride.

Joel gave me a leg up onto Bentleys back as Robin and another guy, who I was yet to meet, walked into the arena. The second guy had all the same features as Robin; tall, slim and dark haired. I guessed that this was his son, Josh.

"Ahh, Lola I'm impressed, you got yourself and Bentley both looking spotless and here in very fast time, well done. Now, I would like you to meet my son Josh, he is the competition rider you will be working most closely with." Robin paused for me and Josh to utter our greetings as Josh extended his hand for me to shake before continuing. "Josh will be watching your three rides today and helping you to create an exercise plan for the three horses for the rest of the week. First of all, get Bentley warmed up, give him a few canter transitions and such then pop over the course set up at the far end. Don't need to be worried the course is only 1metre, Bentley can jump 1m50 with inches to spare."

After riding the three horses, sitting with Josh creating exercise plans and settling the three for the night I was happy to say I think I'm going to like this new job. I got dragged to the car by I think Bradley and bundled in before I even realised what was happening.

"It's Nathaniel but call me Nath, Brad is riding with others and we're going to pick Fintan and Jake up from football practice." This was the only explanation I got whilst Nath drove to the school to pick up two of his younger cousins before he started on a completely different conversation.

By the time we had picked up the two boys and had reached home I can honestly say I feel like I could really trust Nath and his gorgeous brown hair and stunning sea blue eyes and his bubbly conversation and - wait hold up Lola. You don't, no you do, no you don't. You don't even know the boy just shut up.

Today will be my day.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora