Chapter 5

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I woke up and something felt strange. This was definitely not right. I sat up and seen Nath lying in my bed next to me. Hang on, this isn't my bed or my room. What the hell is going on?! I tried to shake Nath awake but he just rolled over, encasing me in his beautiful arms and continued to sleep. Wait, beautiful arms? Get a grip, Lola! I mentally scolded myself before trying once again, to wake Nath.

"Lola, you weren't complaining about any of this last night, just shut up and go back to sleep." Nath groggily managed to mumble before falling back into a deep sleep. I decided it was no use arguing with him any more and I guess I was kind of enjoying being so close to him; seeing as he could basically pass off as an Abercrombie model. I settled down, into his arms, with my head resting on his chest as he tangled our legs together and tightened his arms around me. It is very safe to say, I slept like a baby after that.

I could hear the sounds of muttering as I woke up, I think it was Brad and Nath.

"I can't get up, if I move it might wake her up."

"So what? Lola won't mind, she's cool."

"Yeah, but she deserves all the sleep she can get after what happened to her room last night." I slowly started to sit up but was restricted my Nath's arms, until he sat up bringing me up with him.

"What happened to my room last night?" I questioned as the boys glanced at each other, then at me with neither of them saying anything. "One of you better tell me." What is going on, I thought to myself.

"Well, I'm off. Bacon for breakfast? Yes, okay. I'll be right on it." Brad said in a rush as he left the room.

"Nath, what's happened?" I asked more softly and cuddled deeper into him, in an attempt to sweeten him up to tell me what happened that was so bad.

"Um, last night, well you were asleep," he paused and I looked sweetly, nodding at him to continue, "and we were going to play a prank on you, you know to scare you a little bit, and we were throwing little stones at your window to get you to wake up but you wouldn't wake up and we started to run out of the little stones and Dyl and Ash, well they found a bigger a stone and they didn't think if would do any damage and I'm not sure which one threw it but one of them did and it smashed your window and um there's glass everywhere in your room and we still couldn't wake you up properly but you couldn't sleep in there with a broken window and glass everywhere and when the others tried to get you up out of the bed you kicked off but you um let me pick you up and bring you in here and um yeah." Nath said everything in such a rush, it took me a second before I realised what had happened. "I'm really, I mean, we're really sorry. Um, we can tidy up the glass and..." I cut him off.

"Nath, it's okay. I'm not mad, Barney, Mike and aunt Diane probably are though." My aunt burst through door after obviously eavesdropping.


So, here I am right now. Sat at the kitchen table next to my aunt and across from Barney and Nath.

"It is really irresponsible for you two to be having sex, when the..." My aunt started but me and Nath both cut her off with outbursts of shock.

"Aunt Diane, I promise to you we were not having sex. Yes, we were cuddled up in Nath's bed but I swear cuddling was as far as it went."

"What were you even doing in his bed, Lola?" She sighed at me, as if she was tired of it all already. Nath repeated the same story as he had previously told me, about the stones and the window and the glass, to my aunt. She sighed again and asked Barney to talk to Nath outside. I gulped as she stood up and walked to the other side of the table, sitting opposite me.

"Lola, you know I trust you, but at the end of the day you are living with eight teenage boys. Don't get me wrong, I trust all of them too but you never know what could happen with all the hormones and everything, when they're all together and you're there. It's as if you are the prize to some macho competition that they have going on in their heads. Once their hormones kick in, they all want the 'fit' girl and you, my dear, are that 'fit' girl when you're all at home together." My aunt explains, using air quotes as she said the word 'fit' in attempt to quote the boys. "I'm really sorry for thinking the worst of you and of Nath but my instincts just kicked in, I really was just trying to look out for you." She got up and followed where Barney and Nath had walked out previously.

I stayed sitting at the kitchen table for a while, trying to decipher all that had happened. I know I'm a heavy sleeper but did I really sleep through them smashing my window? And what about this whole thing with Nath? Why did I only not kick off when he picked me up? I got up and walked over to the kitchen sink and leaned against the counter, still deep in thought about everything. Brad and Jj walked into the kitchen, wiggling their eyebrows and smirking at me as I rolled my eyes at them and reached to grab a bowl from the cupboard, when I remembered.

"Hey, Brad, you said you were making me bacon for breakfast. Where the hell is that?" I questioned.

"Oh, Lola. Pretty, naive, little Lola. I only said that to get away from your little sex-fest with Nath and don't try to be intimidating. Normally, you can pull that off at an expert level but right now nuh-uh." Brad smirked at me as he spoke and I didn't quite understand what he getting at. As if he read my mind Jj spoke up.

"Yeah, nice outfit by the way, Lola." Jj grinned as him and Brad both laughed and wandered off. I looked down to see I was still only wearing my pink, fluffy pajama shorts and an oversized T-shirt that once belonged to my ex boyfriend, Adam. I groaned and went upstairs to change, suddenly losing my appetite.

After I had changed and had something to eat, I decided to stay inside and catch up on a bit of telly. As I walked into the living room, I noticed Bella was in there watching some show on nickelodeon. I went in and sat on the end of the sofa, that Bella was already sitting on.

"Hey Bella, mind if I sit in here with you?" I asked the shy 6-year-old.

"Looks like you have anyway." She snapped back at me, quietly but aggressively. I ignored it and tried to make small conversation with her.

"What are you watching?"

"The telly." I sighed and gave up trying to talk to her as she sat there, completely blanking me.

"Hey, don't take it personally Lo. Bella is really shy, sometimes she gets upset if people try to get close to her; she really doesn't mean to be so snappy." Jj tried to comfort me as he wrapped an arm around my shoulders and walked me outside. We stepped outside and were instantly engulfed in shouts and hollers from the other boys. I stood slightly confused as to what was happening, when two sets of arms picked me up and ran down the garden to the pool. I think you can guess what happened next.

I resurfaced from under the water and glared at the boys who were still laughing me but I saw my chance for revenge.

I pretended to storm back indoors in a sulk but went back outside through the front door and snuck around the side of the house grabbing the hose (which is now connected to the outside tap instead of the kitchen one) and flicking the switch for the sprinklers and running round the corner, soaking some of them with sprinklers and getting the rest with the hose before I ran back indoors to hide.

"Nath!" I hissed trying to be quiet, "Nath!" He turned quickly and I grabbed his arm, dragging him down behind the sofa.

"Lo..." He started before I shushed him.

"Be quiet and help me hide!"

"What are you doing?"

"I pranked the other boys, you have to help find somewhere to hide. Please Nath."

"Okay, come with me. Quickly." Nath whispered back, grabbing my hand and pulling me up with him.

Today will be my day.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz