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After our episode earlier, I expected Rogue to be very naughty but he behaved very well. I am so proud of the little grey gelding, that is fast learning to become a very handsome and well schooled showjumper. We only popped over some small fences but I can see great improvement in the once rebellious horse. After settling Rogue, I made my way up to the office to see Robin.

"Ah Lola," Robin greeted, whilst shaking my hand. "I have called you in here to discuss the incident from earlier."

"Robin, I don't know what to say, Rogue was just-" I started but Robin cut me off.

"Luckily for the sake of yourself and of Rogue, I witnessed what had happened. I figured that Nick would target you after our meeting earlier so I-" This time I cut Robin off.

"Why would Nick target me after your meeting with him?"

"Well, all of the management of the yard have been discussing Nick's future as a leader here and we have all been in agreement for a long time that he should no longer be in charge of Stable Block C, but our main problem has been, finding someone suitable to take over from him." I nodded along politely to what he was saying as he continued. "Until now, we haven't been able to find anyone we can deem to be appropriate. We had a meeting with Nick to tell him that he will be stepping down from being a stable block leader to just being an average groom again."

"But what does that have to do with me?" I asked, very confused and unsure.

"Lola, we would like you to be leader of Stable Block C!" Robin beamed with happiness at me.

"Uh, um..okay. Thank you." I still didn't quite know what to make of the situation.

"We know you have it in you! You are the only female staff member that has lasted more than a couple of days in block C. We are fully confident in your ability to produce amazing horses from completely untamed youngsters to beautiful dressage horses or talented showjumpers for Josh to take on and more than that, we are confident in your ability to take charge, you already seem to have earned a lot of respect in block C and you have already proved that your leadership abilities in dangerous situations are top notch. Everyone here has complete faith in you, Lola."

"Thank you, Robin! I promise I will try my hardest not to let anyone of you down!" The shock had worn off and was now replaced by excitement and happiness. Robin excused himself and said I was to go to the stables and call a meeting in which I would tell the group of guys that they are now under my leadership and no longer have to take orders from Nick.

As I was heading back down to the yard, I seen Nath. I shouted to him and he turned around, grinning and holding his arms out, signalling I should go over to him. I went bounding up to him and jumped into his arms. I told him what happened with Robin as he continued to hold me, with my legs wrapped around his waist but of course he already knew; Mike and Barney had already told him. He out me down on the floor and I jumped around in happiness before dragging him over to block C.

"Guys, everyone stop what you're doing for a second please!" I shouted to everyone and was greeted by faces of all the guys popping out of stables and around corners to see who was calling them. "I need everyone to meet me in the lunchroom in ten minutes okay?" I was answered by a chorus of "Yes ma'am", I laughed along and went to check the schooling arenas to make sure I had got everyone.

After telling all the members of block C that I was now in charge, I gauged their reactions and I have to say majority of them seemed genuinely really pleased for me. I was walking up to the head office car park to find out who my lift home was, when a very nice pair of arms wound themselves around my waist from behind and stopped me from walking as I was lifted into the air and spun round in circles. I was put back down on my feet to find the owner of the nice arms was none other than Dyl (did all of the boys have perfect limbs?) as he stood there grinning and congratulating me along with the other Parker boys. The ride home consisted of me sitting once again on Nath's lap and the boys asking me loads of questions about how I would change the running of the yard to make my impact.

As we arrived home, the boys seemed a bit shifty as the got out the car Ash picked me up and threw me over his shoulder as he carried me in slowly behind the others. As he put me back on the floor, I realised I was in the house and was surrounded by the entire Parker clan plus Robin, Josh and a coupled of the guys from what I can now call my block, all waiting to congratulate me. Aunt Diane grabbed me in a bone crushing hug and uttered words of praise in my ear but our moment was soon cut short as she was pulled away and replaced by Mike as he to gave me words of praise. This soon turned into everyone joining in the group hug and for the second time since being here I ended up at the bottom of a Parker dog pile. This soon escalated into a massive food fight, ruining all the food that Diane had prepared and set out ready for celebration of my promotion.

"Everyone, upstairs, shower, change and we'll go to Mary's!" Barney hollered, breaking up the fight I was currently having with Jj as he tried to smush cake on my head and I tried to stuff chips down the back of his shirt.

"Truce, Lola?" Jj asked grinning.

"Alright Jj, truce." I replied shaking his hand and returning his grin. With that Nath wrapped his arms around me, trapping my own arms against my body and stopping me moving as Jj proceeded to crash the cake down on my head. They high fived and took off for upstairs to get ready.

As I stepped out of the shower, my phone buzzed and there was a knock at the door. Ignoring my phone and clutching my towel around me tightly I opened the door to reveal Nath grinning at his phone. He looked up at me and let out a low whistle.

"I could get used to this sight, Lo. Can I use your shower please?"

"Oh shut up Nath. Why can't you use your own?" I tightened my towel around my body.

"Brad is hogging it." He answered as he stepped inside and headed for my en suite bathroom. "Check your phone." He called over his shoulder.

It was a Facebook notification, Nath had added a photo of me. It was a photo of his arms around me from behind, I had cake smashed all over my head and we both laughing hysterically. The caption was "Congrats on your promotion sweetheart😘". Honestly, we looked like a real couple, the stereotypical type of couple who are genuinely completely in love and happy. I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face.

I dressed in dark wash skinny jeans, a white lace top and nude coloured pumps as I sat at my dressing table quickly running the straighteners over the extreme mess in my hair, giving it an effortless sort of look as I heard Nath emerged from the bathroom.

"Do I bother with make up or not?" I asked Nath as I turned around. I gasped as I took in his appearance, he had low slung jeans resting on his hips, he was wearing no top and his hair was a wet, dripping mess. He made his way over to me and put his hands either side of my face as he stared right into my eyes.

"Lola, you're gorgeous with or without it babe." He answered seriously before stretching a smile onto his face.

"Good, because I haven't unpacked any make up yet anyway." I replied as I eyed his very toned upper body and his drool worthy arms.

"Like what you see, sweetheart?" He smirked at me as he dropped his hands from my face to my waist.

"Hm, maybe. Now go and get dressed or we'll be the last ones ready and I can just imagine the comments we'll get from the rest of the boys."

"Well, let's give them something to make comments about." He leaned slowly towards me, giving me the chance to back out. He kept up eye contact with me as his face made it's way towards mine, I watched as his eyes fluttered closed as I grew impatient and smashed our faces together. His warm lips encased mine like they were made especially for each other and my stomach erupted in ecstatic butterflies. I pulled apart from him and he wrapped his arms tighter around my tiny waist as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I genuinely am stoked for you, Lola. You really are going places with your horsemanship and riding skills." He leaned in and pecked my lips on more time. I matched his grin as he pulled back.

"Now this has been lovely but go and get ready." I winked at him as I pushed him off me and sashayed away from him to check my hair in the mirror before I left to go downstairs.

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