Chapter 15

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"Hey Lola" Jj called as I walked in the door. I waved and headed up to my room to change. "What's wrong, Lo?" He asked in a concerned manner. I didn't answer and carried on walking, shutting myself in my room and collapsing onto my bed. I heard the door open and Footsteps walking in.

"I don't know much about how to properly treat girls because I learnt from my brothers and cousins, who suck but I do know that when a girl is upset you should just hold her, right?" Jj's voice sounded and the side of my bed dipped down. He pulled me into his arms and held me against him whilst I just sat there, immobile.

I wasn't sure how I was feeling, I mean yeah Nick pisses me off but not enough to upset me and I guess Nath upset me a bit earlier but not that much so what the hell is wrong with me?

"You like him don't you?"

"Huh? Who?" I could almost hear Jj rolling his eyes at me.

"My idiot cousin."

"Which one? All of your family are idiots, no offence."

"Nathaniel. You like Nath, don't you?"

"Well, right now, I'm not so sure J. I mean we've always gotten along really well but today he was pretty horrible so I guess we're not friends right now. I don't even know."

"I'd say you're more than friends, Lola."

"I don't even know, J." I sighed and allowed myself to relax in Jj's arms.

I woke up surrounded only by darkness, not the warmth I usually felt when waking as I had become accustomed to sleeping in Nath's bed since the night they smashed my window.

I hoisted myself up out of the bed in the spare room, Mike had informed me that my room was now sorted and I could move back in there whenever I wished but I hadn't seen much point because until now I had stayed in Nath's room every night.

I went to the bathroom and did my business as well as washing my face and brushing my teeth, before heading back to bed. I scrolled through my phone unable to bring myself to fall back to sleep without the warm embrace I had become so accustomed to.

For the second time that night I hoisted myself up and out of the bed, this time making my way towards Nath's room. I opened the door enough for me to squeeze through and shut it softly behind me. Treading carefully and I quietly, I made my over to Nath's bed and snuck in softly. As if sensing my presence Nath rolled over and pulled me into him tightly. His head nestled into my neck.

"Goodnight sweetheart." He said it so softly and quietly I almost didn't hear it.

"Goodnight Nath." I smiled contentedly and fell asleep straight away.

I awoke, this time feeling the warmth surrounding me and making me smile happily. I tried to slip out of Nath's arms to check the time but his muscled limbs kept perfectly in place in his loving embrace. I decided to just lie back down and enjoy the warmth while I could, who knows what mood he would wake up in and wether he appreciated my late night ambush or not.

Not all that much later, Nath's alarm sounded, making me jump and Nath awake groggily. The arm that was resting across me had moved to silence the ringing noise and no sooner had the silence settled on us had the arm returned. Unsatisfied with spooning the back of me, Nath turned me so that I was facing him and completely surrounded by him.

"This doesn't mean that I'm not still upset at you." He announced suddenly without any hint or mischief or humour in his tone.

"I don't understand, Nath."

"What's not to understand? You upset me and I haven't yet forgiven you, simple if you ask me."

"Alright Mr.Stick Up My Arse, what I don't understand is how or why you're upset with me. What the bloody hell have I done to you?"

"I'm not doing this with you now, we have a few more minutes until we need to get up, let's just make the most of it." With that he wrapped me tighter in his arms.

I huffed and shoved him off me, before storming out of his room without another word. I slammed the door of the spare room and sunk down it not allowing the tears to break free. I heard various shouts from the boys who were woken by me slamming the door.

"YOU CAN ALL KISS MY ASS!" I shouted back.

"LOLA'S PMSING" "CHILL OUT LO, GO FUCK NATH SOME MORE OR SOMETHING." "ASHLEY WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE YOUNG MAN." And various other shouts were the responses I got from my oh so crude remark.

I stripped off and had a quick shower before stepping back out into my room.

"Lola," a soft voice started, making me jump and clasp my towel closer to my body, "I didn't mean to upset you."

"Well, you did a fucking crappy job in that case because I'm pretty fucking upset Nath." I snapped back. "Do you know what, you don't even the right to sit in my room waiting for me to come of the shower after the way to just blew me off, so fuck off back to your shitty room."

"Oh like how you don't have the right to come into my 'shitty' room in the middle of the fucking night and climb into my bed and just expect everything to be okay because of that."

"I didn't expect anything to be okay because I don't even know what's wrong. I don't even know what's happened to make you so pissy. I don't know what I'm supposed to have done wrong to make you upset with me, I just don't fucking know anymore Nath."

"Well maybe we should take a break."

"Take a break from what?! You're not my fucking boyfriend!"

"Find someone else to sleep with and lead on then."

"Lead you on?! What the fu-"

"SHUT UP!" Dylan entered the room, stopping me mid sentence. "You have fucking woken everyone up, you dicks."

Nath stopped whatever he was about to say as he noticed Dylan looking me up and down. It was then that I realised I still stood in just my towel after my shower.

"Dude have you got no shame?" Nath asked Dyl.

"You're on a break, remember?" Dylan smirked back, "Lola's not yours anymore."

"I wasn't his to start with and we're not on a break because there nothing to take a break from."

"Well, in that case. Hello beautiful." Dylan wiggled his eyebrows at me and he walked towards me.

"Hello walking STD, how many girls have you fucked and ditched?" I replied. Dylan walked right up to me and placed his hands either side of my face.

"Eh, just a few. We could make it one more if you want." He winked at me and leaned down towards my face, I met him halfway and he sealed his lips around mine. I heard someone mutter abusive curses before storming out. We pulled apart.

"We so should not have done that, Dyl."

"I fucking know alright." He put his face in his hands and as I went back to the ensuite bathroom and burst into tears.

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