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Today has just been getting progressively worse. Apparently because I am such a shitty person I deserve to have an even shittier day.

First my fight with Nath, then waking everyone up causing them to all be pissed at me, then kissing Dylan right in front of Nath, then having to be at the yard for five this morning even though I was already completely exhausted, the horrible car situation because Nath is beyond hostile towards me now, then I mixed up the feeds for two of Joel's key horses, then the handle of my broom snapped cutting my finger which wouldn't stop bleeding, then Novelty refused to come in from the field making me ten minutes late to a demonstration, Bentley has started refusing jumps for Josh so we have to work with him extra now, Boebka threw me off into the fence around the arena and now we're back to the horrible car situation.

It seems as though the most unpredictable and unreliable thing in my life has been my one consistent against all the negatives today. I could not be happier than to be working with Rogue today. He has been brilliant to me all day. We had a bit of a jumping lesson with Josh today and he was absolutely fantastic, once he's ready him and Josh will be winning everything!

Thinking about it, I have spent a lot of time with Josh today and I haven't spoken to any of the Parker boys at all which is very unusual. Normally I can't get away from them and they always want me to sit and eat with them on breaks. I guess I can't blame them for being mad, Nath is probably quite upset. Screw that, Nath was quite upset before this morning. Now he's probably far beyond upset. I cannot ride home with him, I just can't take it.

I rang Mike.

"Hey, Lola. What can I do for you dear?"

"Hi Mike, are you and Barney staying late tonight?"

"Yes, sorry darling but you're going to have to car share with the boys again. You don't mind, do you?"

"Well kinda. Only because of this whole thing with Nath though."

"I'm sorry Lola. If I could then I would leave earlier so you could ride with me but I will be here for minimum two hours after you guys finish."

"It's okay Mike. Maybe I'll get Joel or Josh to give me a ride."


"What? Why?"

"Not Josh. Please not Josh."

"Why not? What's wrong with Josh?"

"He's the reason Nath was upset with you in the first place."

"Why? What's going on?"

"I've already said too much Lo. If you really want me too then I can sort out a different lift for you?"

"No Mike. I'll be fine really. Thank you anyway." We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I can see why my aunt married him, he's very kind hearted. But what I still don't understand is why Nath was upset with me because of Josh?

I could hear shouting coming from the feed room and decided it was probably one of my duties to try and sort out whatever is going on.

"Nick, Lola is really not going to like you putting things in Rogue's feed." Joel was telling Nick.

"I don't care about Lola and neither should you. You take orders from me not her, you've always taken orders from me." Nick snapped back.

"Yeah, when you were in charge. And Lola doesn't just give orders, she asks us to do things nicely. Maybe if you had tried that then you would still be in charge."

"That's it-" Nick grabbed Joel by the front of his shirt but I cut off whatever he was going to say next.

"Whitmore!" I snapped, surprising him. "Sort yourself out. Let go of Joel." Nick growled at me and released his hold on Joel's shirt.

Today will be my day.Where stories live. Discover now