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⭐️cling film on the toilet seat

⭐️Sellotape across a door

⭐️baby powder in a hair dryer

⭐️set an alarm and hide it

⭐️unscrew shower head, put toilet paper against holes, dry jello powder on the toilet paper, bright red water

⭐️move everything slightly to the left

⭐️air horn behind the door so when it opens it goes off

⭐️completely cover a surface with post it notes


"Nath all of these suck, they're too simple" I complained as me and Nath continued to create a list of possible pranks to pull on the rest of the Parker clan.

"But, what if we combined them, then we could make an awesome string of pranks!" Nath had much more enthusiasm than I did about the whole situation. Honestly I was quite worried what pranks they'd pull on me once they found me. And Nath as well of course.


It is suffice to say that I am constantly looking over my shoulder for one of the Parker clan to pull a prank on me; even though we agreed to call a truce when it came to being at work, I was still worried.

Nath and I had perfectly executed all of the pranks on our list a long with a couple of others that had been cleverly thought up by Robbo and Johno so all of the Parker's had been a victim to at least one whilst we spent the next couple of days laughing our heads off.

I had been working with Novelty, Boebka, Bentley and most closely with Rogue throughout the past couple of days and I am beyond proud of the connections that have been made with each of them. Novelty is excelling beyond expectation in her flatwork and yesterday we gave our first demonstration, which went off without a hitch. Boebka is starting to settle down and his manners are improving greatly, he will soon be ready to start jumping courses of jumps with me before Josh takes over riding him a couple times a week. Bentley is still being ridden by me mostly but Josh has taken over riding more often as he has become Josh's top horse after his mare went lame at the weekend and is now off work. Although I am proud of all three of those horses for improving so much in the little time I have been working with them, I am most proud of Rogue. I have only been working with Rogue since the start of this week and in three days, I have gotten him to the point that he willingly comes up to me whenever he sees me. He still had a very long and bumpy road ahead of him before he would be considered to be worth something, but he was too special to give up on, I just knew it. Everyone else only agreed with me because his stunning bloodlines meant he was to be a champion one day.

"Rogue, pack it in!" My patience was starting to wear thin but I knew I had to hold it together unless I wanted to frighten the already timidly aggressive horse and backtrack all the previous progress we'd made. I reached once again to put the bridle over Rogue's head. He threw his head in the air to stop me from reaching him but I managed to loop my arm over the top of his head, preventing him from making the process harder than it needed to be. With one hand I put my fingers between his lips, in the space where there was no teeth, to encourage him to open his mouth and receive the bit and I used the other to keep his head in a reasonable position as I pulled the bridle into place. I patted his neck gently and spoke soothingly to him, telling what a good boy he had just been as I fastened all the brass buckles on his Havana bridle. I turned back towards the door to retrieve the saddle cloth I had placed there. Slowly and steadily I placed the saddle cloth onto the back of the terrified grey gelding and once again gave him a gentle pat on the neck. I turned, once again, back to the door to pick up the saddle as I heard a very loud, arrogant voice coming my way. It was Nick. I rolled my eyes before turning back to Rogue with the saddle placed over one arm.

"You're wasting your time, sweetheart." His slippery voice patronised me from the other side of the stable door as Rogue started flaring his nostrils and swishing his tail, obviously uncomfortable in the presence of Nick. "If a man with years of experience under his belt and obvious charm, such as myself can't get this horse under control then how can anyone expect an inexperienced, little girl such as you to do anything about this horse." I glared back at Nick without once stopping my attempts at soothing Rogue.

"Don't ignore me, you pathetic girl." Once again I ignored the ridiculous excuse of a man as he proceeded to open the door and let himself in as I had finished securing the saddle onto Rogue's back. Rogue began stamping his hooves and violently snapping his teeth towards Nick, who instead chose to come right at me. He grabbed my arms and shook me angrily, growling at me the whole time.

"I said. Do. Not. Ignore. Me." He raged. I shook him off me and the next thing I realised was Rogue pushing me out of the way before viciously biting Nick and pinning him in a corner before turning to kick to him. Nick cowered in the corner shouting obscenities in my direction. I jumped into action.

"Rogue, com on now." I spoke soothingly trying to calm my own panics. "Please, Rogue. He's not worth it. Let's just leave him." I rounded to the face of the horse and grasped the reins either side of his face and led him to the other side of the stable. He nuzzled his head into the front of my body, seemingly calming himself.

"Get. Out." I spat at Nick as he stood immobilised in the corner of the stable, where he had previously been pinned. "Are you deaf or just fucking stupid? Get out!" I heard clapping and looked up to see all the other guys who work in our stable block, including Robin, Nath, Mike and Barney. Nath stepped gingerly into the stable and dragged Nick back out roughly. I was motioned outside by Robin. After checking that Rogue had calmed and that all of his tack was secured for me to leave him, I walked out of the stable, slowly closing the door behind me. I checked nervously behind my shoulder to see Rogue watching my every move cautiously incase he needed to once again jump to my defence.

"Lola," I looked up to see the beaming faces of Mike, Barney and Robin but the one that caught my eye was Nath, he had concern plastered across his face. He lunged at me, encasing me in his arms and crushed completely against his body. One hand rhythmically stroked my hair as the other grasped my tiny waist tightly, his face nuzzled into my neck as he muttered things such as how much of an asshole Nick is and that's he is glad I'm okay. I felt myself letting go and pulling away as I heard Rogue, once again start to become unsettled in his stable. I turned to soothe Rogue.

"Lola, I see that not only has Rogue from very attached and overprotective of you but apparently so has my son." Barney wiggled his eyebrows at me as Nath flushed a deep shade of crimson. "Although Mike and myself are officially owners of this establishment, Robin is the one who ensures the daily running of the place and is currently dealing with Nick. He wants to speak to you once he's finished."

"Well I was about to try and ride Rogue, before that asshole, Nick, upset him so could I do that first?" I questioned, concerned much more about Rogue than meeting with Robin.

"Of course, darling. I'll imagine that Robin will be quite a while with Nick anyway." Mike answered, smiling genuinely at me.

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