2. New Friendship

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"Ugh! Get down you dork! We are already in class and the teacher's gonna come in anytime now, besides, you are getting soooo heavy", Zayn panted playfully, making Harry gasp and earning a light slap on the back of head. He was standing beside their usual seat they sit on together everyday in the English class, with Harry on his back, clinging like a Koala.

"I'm not heavy you jerk, you should start exercising and I'm very comfortable here. Thank you.", saying that Harry nuzzled his face again in the back of Zayn's face again, pretending to sleep.

Zayn smiled and was about to say something but stopped as he heard two familiar people's laugh from behind. Harry too raised his head from where it was resting and when Zayn turned around, both of their eyes lit up.

There entered the classroom their one semester long crushes Liam and Louis. No, scratch that, they were not their crushes. They were in love with them. Harry was in love with Liam, whereas, Zayn was in love with Louis.

Liam and Louis entered the class and threw a cute smile at their way, making the two lads squeal in silence.

They made their way to Zayn and Harry making both of their heartbeats go crazy.

"Hey, I'm Liam and this is my best friend Louis.", Liam introduced himself then motioned to Louis while introducing him.

"Erm, nice to meet you. I'm Zayn and this is Harry.", Zayn said, blushing hard when Louis smiled at him.

"They look cute, aren't they Liam?" , Louis asked him while smiling softly at Zayn.

"Yeah, you're right Lou. You two make a cute couple.", Liam said now making Harry's face go read with how hard he was blushing.

"N-No, w-we're not together. Zayn is my best friend.", Blushing Harry said.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, my bad. We thought you two are together. We always see you two with each other. Besides, the whole University talks about how cute you two look with each other.",  Liam said apologetically.

"Oh it's alright. We've heard that too but we know that we are besties that's why we don't care about those rumours.", Zayn said, smiling which Liam and Louis both returned.

Someone cleared their throat and the four lads turned around to see that it was their English professor standing at the door.

"Please take your seats. And Mr. Styles, you can get down from Mr. Malik's back.", the professor smiled knowingly making Harry and Zayn both's cheeks go red in embarrassment. Liam and Louis chuckled and took a seat beside Zayn and Harry's seat. Zayn slowly but carefully put Harry down on his feet and he swear, he heard some little "aww"s from the other students.

They silently took their seats and smiled goofy at each other. And when the professor started teaching, Harry felt someone slipping a note from his side. He didn't need to look up to see who it was from. He knew it was from his best friend.

He opened the note and it read, "guess, we can finally use some learning time instead of sneakily clicking the pictures of our loves."

Harry giggled at him then nodded. And they both looked at Zayn's side with heart eyes,  where the both of their crushes were sitting, taking notes.


"Hey Zayn, Harry! Can we seat here with you guys?", Liam asked with a smiling Louis beside him. It was their lunch break and Zayn and Harry were sitting in their usual table chatting away while sneaking food from each other's plate. They were in the middle of some talking, when Liam and Louis approached them making their heart beats go crazy for the umpteenth time of the day.

"S-Sure. Come have a seat.", Harry said, looking at Liam's brown puppy dog like eyes which were shining.

Louis thought about both Zayn and Harry's stuttering for a moment bit then brushed it off thinking maybe they weren't use to talk to people that's why, as they never saw them talking with other people beside each other, quite like him and Liam.

"Um, sorry if we're disturbing you. It's just that we don't like talking to other students in the University but you two seems like good lads. So do you mind if we sit with you guys at lunch everyday?" , Louis asked them, smiling shyly. Liam placed a hand on his and squeezed it lightly, following by a smile.

Zayn thought about it for a while then brushed it off thinking it was just a friendly gesture and smiled.

"It's absolutely fine. We both can use some company. Besides, I need someone else to save me from Harry's terrible jokes.", Zayn said and faked a sigh of relief.

"Hey, my jokes are not that bad. They are funny as hell. Liam, Louis you'd love it, lemme tell you som--", Harry was cut off with Zayn's hand covering his mouth.

"Nooo, I want to have lunch peacefully and talk with our new friends instead of having a heart attack.", Zayn said making the other two lads laugh in content.

Harry's eyes widened and he licked the palm of Zayn's hand while kicking his leg under the table.

"Oww, eww", Zayn said making a painful disgusting face making Harry smirk.

"Payback Malik. So as I was saying, my jokes are the best. Like, let me give you an example.", Harry said and indicated the other two lad who were sitting across the table to come forward a bit, as if he was telling a secret.

"A bird can fly but a fly can't bird.", he said and laughed making Zayn laugh and Liam and Louis' face go serious.

Harry looked at them and stopped laughing?

"What? You didn't find it funny? Even Zayn laughed this time."  Harry pouted.

"Well Zayn, you were right. Harry, your jokes are terrible.", Louis said, and everyone in the table burst into laughter except Harry who's pout seemed to grow.

Zayn stopped laughing then hugged Harry from side.

"But this time his joke was really funny.",Zayn said kissing Harry on the side of his head making him smile and other's gasped.

"You mean, you have heard more terrible jokes than that?", Louis asked faking gasp.

"You have no idea", Laughing Zayn said earning a slap on his chest.

"Meanie",Harry mumbled.

"But you love this meanie friend of yours", Zayn said pulling Harry into a side hug, making Harry giggle and cuddle into him more.

The other two lovers cooed at them and then looked into each other's eyes. A knowing look playing in their eyes. Liam pulled Louis into a side hug and whispered into his ears, "Remember when we used to be like this?", Louis nodded and giggled.

The four stayed like that, Harry in Zayn's arms and Louis in Liam's. They talked and chatted like they were friends forever and when the bell rang, indicating the end of lunch, Liam and Louis knew, it was just a starting of a new friendship where for Zayn and Harry, it was a step towards knowing the men they loved more closely.


Thank you zarryslovrrr for sharing this story on Instagram. I'll be forever grateful to you :* ♡

Thanks SamanthaAMMY love-n-war zaynpsyco for supporting and loving the story. Thank you babes :* :* ♡

I love you all :* ♡

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