8. Christmas Night

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"The cake was absolutely perfect Harry. Good job styles.", Zayn appreciated his best friend after having their dessert together. Harry blushed at his compliment.

"Thanks. The mac and cheese was delicious as well. ", Harry mumbled making Zayn looked down at him, smiling.

"I guess, both of us have done good job I guess.", Zayn said, making Harry chuckle.

They were currently cuddled up on their sofa in the living room, watching a Christmas movie together. Zayn took the blanket from his side and covered themselves with it, making Harry snuggle more close to him.

"You know, you are use me like your teddy.", laughing Zayn said making Harry pout.

"Oi, not my fault that I love cuddles.", Pouting Harry said, making Zayn laugh heartily.

"Sure it's not", Zayn said teasingly.

"Oh shush it Malik, the movie's gonna start. Sshh.", saying that Harry cuddled more close to Zayn making Zayn wrap an arm around him and both of them started watching the movie with a smile on their faces.

After the movie ended, Harry had suggested it was time for the gifts, to which Zayn happily agreed and they went to the living the room where the gifts were under the Christmas tree.

Zayn loved the way Harry's eyes lit up seeing the Christmas tree, it warmed his heart. He followed a now excited Harry and sat beside him in front of the tree.

"Okay so, me first.", Harry said excitedly and picked the gift wrapped box from under the tree. Zayn smiled, mumbling a "thank you" and opened it. His eyes popped out of his socket seeing the limited edition leather jacket in the box.

"You liked it?", Harry said, hope in his eyes.

"Liked it? I loved it Harry. Oh my God. Thank you, Thank you so much.", Zayn said, throwing himself at him making Harry laugh.

"Okay now time for my gift Malik, or have you forgot it?", Harry raised an eyebrow playfully.

Zayn rolled his eyes and took out a rectangular gift wrapped box under the tree where he had hidden it carefully. Smiling, he handed it to Harry who's eyes lit up again.

Sometimes, Zayn really thought Harry hadn't grew up. But he was not complaining, he loved this side of Harry.

His reverie got broke by Harry's screaming.

"AHH!!!!! YOU GOT ME THOSE GOLDEN BOOTS I HAD BEEN WANTING DESPERATELY!!!! OH MY GOD ZAYN... YOU ARE THE BEST." And he launched himself on Zayn making him fall on his back with an excited Harry over him.

"THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH ZAYN!", Harry screamed in joy, making Zayn laugh.

"Haha..okay Harry, now get up before you damage my ears from all the screaming.", Laughing Zayn said.

Both of them sat back, grinning ear to ear, both of them were too happy with their gifts.

After sometimes, Zayn stood up and held his hand out for Harry to take, which Harry did gladly, a bit confused as what is happening.

Zayn slowly took him to their bedroom,  and stood at the door blocking Harry's view.

"Okay, so this is your second gift, for being the amazing the friend of mine.", saying that Zayn moved to side to let Harry see his gift.

A gasp escaped Harry's lips as soon he saw the giant white teddy bear on their bed and boy, did he love teddy bears.

He ran to his teddy bear and instantly hugged it, giggling at how soft it is.

"Did you like it?", smiling Zayn asked.

"Are you kidding me Zaynie? I loved it.", He said, snuggling close to his teddy.

Zayn smiled, came towards him and sat beside Harry who was still hugging his teddy.

Giggling, Harry turned to Zayn's side and hugged him tight.

"You are the best Zaynie. My bestest friend.", smiling Harry said. His new Teddy on his other side.

"We are the bestest friend who kiss each other.", laughing Zayn said, running his fingers through his curls.

"And the best friend want a goodnight kiss too. Rather make out.", Harry mumbled boldly into his chest.

"Yeah?", pulling away a little so he could look into Harry's eyes, Zayn asked, smiling.

"Yeah", Harry breathed, leaning towards Zayn a little but frowned when Zayn pulled away.

"H-Harry, I think, we shouldn't do this. I mean, we are friends. What's changed? I know, I like to kiss you, like I don't ever want to stop but I don't want to ruin our friendship. ", Zayn finally admitted. "I don't want to loose you", he whispered the last part.

"What's your heart saying Zayn? Is it saying not to kiss me right now?", Harry asked.

"It's saying to snog the hell out of you.", whispering, Zayn admitted making Harry grin.

"You know, what they say? Once you kiss someone, you can't stop. And now I know how true that saying is.", Harry said, leaning in but this time, Zayn didn't pull away. He leaned in too. Joining their lips in a blissful kiss.

They didn't know what they were feeling, the butterflies they felt in their stomachs, the fireworks they felt through their bodies, no they didn't understand what was happening to them. All they knew that they were loving it.

They didn't know when Harry straddled Zayn's waist or when they made a pile of their clothes on the floor, leaving them only in their jeans. Their upper bodies exposed and painted with hickeys. Eventually, they pulled away to breathe a little and burst into laughter when they felt each other's hard ons on their own, quite like the one they were having that morning after their phone call.

"Seems like, we both need a cold shower again like this morning, Malik.", Harry said cheekily making Zayn groan.

He hated cold showers but he needed it. 'Cause simple, both of them weren't ready for anything more intimate than making out and both of them understood that. So they didn't question each other that morning, when Zayn suddenly got off from straddling Harry and went straight to the bathroom, making Harry smile at how much Zayn understands him.

After Harry was done showering and changed into comfortable clothes, it was Zayn's turn. After he was done too, he came and lay down beside Zayn. Zayn held him close to him and kissed on his curls making Harry giggle and snuggle more close to him.

"Can I get a goodnight kiss Zayn?", Harry looked at Zayn through his eyelashes that made Zayn's heart melt.

"Sure", saying that Zayn placed a sweet kiss on Harry's lips, letting it linger for few mins then pulled away.

And Harry couldn't deny, that gesture had melt his heart.

"Goodnight Zaynie, and Merry Christmas.", Harry said, hiding his face into Zayn's chest, loving the warmth radiating from Zayn's body.

"Goodnight Hazza, Merry Christmas." Zayn said hiding his face into Harry's curls, loving the smell of his green apple scented shampoo.

And without a doubt, they could say, it was the best Christmas of their lives.


Um, guys, I need a suggestion. Should I change the title of the story or let it be just like this?

Dedicated to: zarryslovrrr love-n-war SamanthaAMMY piggypie213 zaynpsyco

Love you all :* ♡♡♡ Thanks for everything guys :)

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