14. Parents.

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"Shit", was the last thing they said as their parents' smiling faces popped on the screen. They smiled nervously at them, hoping in their minds that they wouldn't notice the candles or the basket beside them. They hadn't came out to their parents yet and they were scared out of their minds that they would disown them after learning their sons were gays and even if they accept them for being homosexual, they wouldn't allow them to live together after learning they were dating each other.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY HARRY!!!", both their parents screamed at him from the other side of the laptop making them smile nervously even more.

"Aw, I can't believe my baby boy has turned 19 today. I wish you were here, I miss you so much baby boy.", Anne said and both Harry and Zayn could see she was holding back her tears.

"I miss you too mum.", Harry said, his eyes becoming glassy as well.

Zayn hugged him from the side as a tear rolled down Harry's cheek. He missed his family so much.

"Happy Birthday Harry. Hope you're having a great birthday boy.", Trisha smiled warmly as she hugged her best friend from the side, giving her emotional support.

Robin and Yaser smiled at their wives then turned their attention to their sons and frowned in confusion when they finally noticed the candles. At first they thought it was for the birthday but when they saw the picnic basket at their side and the way Zayn kissed Harry's curls they knew something was up. Yaser looked at Robin on his side seeing Robin already smirking wickedly. Yaser quietly winked at him without any of them noticing then both of them turned their attention to their boys.

"Boys! What's with all these dark room and candles?", Yaser said in a strict voice and it all took Robin to not burst into laughter right then and there.

"Uh-uh baba..m-me", Zayn suddenly grew nervous. He had always been intimidated by his father.

"Baba what?", Yaser said faking anger, making Robin cup his lips as if to hiding a gasp when in reality he was hiding his laughter. Trisha and Anne seemed to notice so they played along.

"Ba-baba, w-we..", Zayn said but his lips trembled as he looked down, not having the courage to look at his father.  Harry, who was still side-hugging  him, nervously pulled away. "We-we a-are to-together sir.", He said in a small voice.

"How dare you!!!", Yaser said getting up from his seat faking anger. Even though they were not right in front of their parents, Zayn and Harry couldn't help but feeling small in front of them.

"How dare you guys not tell us sooner so that we could have started planning your marriage.", Yaser said in a still angry voice, and that made Trisha and Anne giggle silently.

"I-I am so-so-sorry baba..We..wait what?", Zayn started soon widened his eyes as he realized what his father just said. He looked at Harry's side who was mirroring the same expression as his, confirming he had heard correct.

And Robin couldn't hold it any longer, neither any of them. Their parents broke out into laughter after seeing their sons' priceless expressions.

"Wh-what? You guys are not mad at us?" , Harry said in a small voice, still shocked.

Anne composed her laughter a bit, then started, "Of course not baby boy. You both are our baby boys, our own flesh, how could we be mad at you guys for something you don't have control over?  Love is love boys. Besides, we have already figured that you guys were not into girls seeing you never brought any girls at home.", Anne said smiling.

"Me and Anne had also figured that maybe there was something between you two more than friendship  seeing you guys were practically joined at the hip. Actually, we were counting when you guys will realize that. We were actually tired of you guys always telling each other 'oh Hazza, you are my bestie' and 'aw Zaynie, you are the bestest friend ever' ", Trisha said in a mocking voice making Anne and their Husband laugh and both Zayn and Harry's cheeks go red.

"Oh shut up you two, you are embarrassing the boys.", Robin chuckled making everyone laugh too.

"So, when did it happen? I mean, when did you become boyfriends and who proposed who? Come on, we want to know EVERY detail", Anne asked, excited, emphasizing the word "every". Harry couldn't blush any harder.

Obviously he couldn't say to their parents that Zayn had asked him to be his boyfriend during their first time love making.

"Um, Zayn proposed me.", blushing Harry said and hid his face in the crook of Zayn's neck making everyone go "Aww"

"And when did my baby boy proposed you Harry?", Trisha asked playfully making a pink tint appear on Zayn's cheeks.

Harry leaned up a little and held his boyfriend's hand, squeezing it a little in assurance which relaxed him a little.

"Um, he had proposed me last night after wishing me Birthday. Um, it's actually our first date.", Harry half lied and placed a kiss on Zayn's cheek to avert their attention from the proposing topic, which seemed to work, 'cause after sometimes they heard Anne saying, "aww, aren't they the cutest couple?" To which everyone agreed, smiling and nodding.

"Okay, okay, lets not disturb them anymore and let them enjoy their first date.", Yaser said to which everyone nodded.

"And boys, we want to say, we are happy that you are with each other instead of some complete strangers we don't know.", Smiling Robin said.

"And last but not the least.", Trisha saud and looked at Anne with excitement in her eyes. "We can now Start planning their marriage Anne!!! Pheww! At last!!!!", Trisha sighed in relief and Anne couldn't agree anymore.

"MUM!!!!", Zayn and Harry both whined together. Their cheeks red in embarrassment and shyness.

"Okay okay, we'll leave you guys now. Have an awesome first date and Harry, you better tell me if Zayn doesn't treat you right okay?", smiling, Trisha said.

"Okay, Trisha.", Harry said in a small voice.

"Oh sweetie, call me Maa now, I'm your mum too.", Trisha said in a comforting voice. "Um, only if you want.", she quickly added, not wanting to make Harry do anything against his will.

"Okay Maa.", Smiling, Harry said making Zayn's heart melt and everyone on the other side smile warmly.

"And same goes with you too Zayn.", Anne said smiling.

"Okay mum. But I doubt Harry will not treat me right. He's too sweet not to treat me better.", smiling, Zayn said and kissed his cheek making Harry giggle despite his constant blushing.

"Alright boys, have a great night. Stay happy. Goodnight, love you both.", Robin said, smiling.

"Goodnight. Love you all.", Zayn and Harry said in unison before cutting the call.

Zayn shut down the Laptop, closed it and kept it aside.

"I never thought to accept us this quickly.", Zayn said, still a bit startled.

"Neither did I, but I'm glad it went that well.", Harry said as he placed his head on Zayn's chest, sighing in relief.

"Me too.", Zayn said as he placed a kiss onto his curls.

"Let's eat now baby. I know you are hungry and besides, there's one more surprise for you but you have to wait for it until we finish our dinner.", Zayn said as he opened the basket and took out the food from it. Harry's eyes lit up at the mention of another surprise, 'Cause in all honesty, he loved surprises. 

They started feeding each other, occasionally giggling and tickling each other which made them choke on their foods sometimes but they didn't care.  They were enjoying their date and were happy and that's all mattered.

And their first date couldn't be more perfect.


So I have decided to rest my perverted mind a bit. Lol.

Dedicated to: zarryslovrrr love-n-war piggypie213 zaynpsyco SamanthaAMMY and all the voters and readers :) love you all ♡

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