4. Release

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After bidding the four lads goodbye, giving the biggest fake grin of their lives and congratulating them, Harry and Zayn silently drove off to their apartment. Both of them didn't say anything in the car.

When they reached home, no one said anything to the other one. They knew, they needed some alone time.

Harry silently went to their shared bedroom whereas, Zayn stayed in the living room, sitting on the couch. Harry sat on the edge of the bed and finally, both of them let their tears fall, freely. It hurt. It hurt so badly. Knowing the ones he and his best friend loved, loved each other actually and had been with each other for 2 years and now, soon be getting married.

Where Zayn was silently letting his tears fall in the dark living room, Harry was a sobbing mess in their bedroom. Then, that memory played in the back of his mind. Yes, he needed a release.


"Z-Zayn, wh-why did you do that?", 16 years old Harry sobbed while wiping his friends blood stained chest.

"It r-released the p-pain. I-I w-wanted to get this pain o-out of my ch-chest.", a 16 years old Zayn cried, making Harry hug him tight but not applying much pressure now his band aided chest.

They were in Zayn's bathroom on the bathroom floor. A blood stained blade razor blade was lying on the floor, far from them. Harry had thrown it as soon he saw his friend hurting himself with that thing. He had come there, that evening, to see how Zayn was doing after all the drama in the school. But what he saw, he sure didn't expect it coming.

Yes, he knew Zayn was hurt. Justin, one of the jocks of the school had hung both of their photos all over the school wall with "fag boyfriends" written under them, but he never expected him to hurt himself. But he was not going to judge his friend, he is his best friend.

Harry knew, Zayn was sensitive, specially about his sexuality. He didn't want anyone in the school to know about him being Gay yet. And nor did Harry, but what's done is done and now, Harry had to be strong for both him and his best friend.

He broke away from the hug and took Zayn's tear stained face in his hands. He placed a kiss on the top of his hair then said in a soft voice, "Zayn, I know, what happened shouldn't have happened. But what's done is done and we can't change that. We'd have to come out at some point of our life, so why not now? We can't let them win and bring us down, we have to fight Zayn and we will."

Zayn looked up to into his green eyes causing Harry to smile softly.

"Y-You'll be th-there?" , Zayn asked in a broken voice.

"Of course I'll be there silly. I'm your best friend. And whatever happens, we'll face it together.", Harry smiled, making Zayn smile through tears too.

"Promise me, you won't cut again Zayn", Harry asked concerned, making Zayn nod.

"Together, forever?",  Zayn asked after sometimes of silence, holding out his pinky.

"Together, forever." Harry said, linking his pinky with Zayn's following with a tight hug.

"What about tomorrow Harry? They'll think we are boyfriends and the jocks will beat us to death for being Gays. You know how the school looks at gays.", Zayn mumbled on Harry's shoulder making Harry grin evil.

"Then it's their problem not ours", Harry sassed and broke away from the hug to look at a now chuckling Zayn.

"Besides, if they think we are boyfriends, then let them think what they want. We gonna be the hottest boyfriends ever. We'll make the straight couples jealous of us", Harry grinned evil at Zayn making him choke on his own spit.

"D-Does that mean we have to k-kiss in front of them?", Zayn asked, slightly embarrassed. He wanted to save his first kiss for the special person.

"Oh, shush it Malik. I'm saving my first kiss for that one special person,and knowing you, you're saving it too. And no, we don't need to kiss, but yeah, we could cuddle in the lunch break, and oh yeah, you could definitely give me piggy back rides to my classes.", Harry said grinning.

"Oh, so are you doing this for the free piggy back rides Styles?", Zayn said chuckling.

"Of course Malik. And besides, we could give endless kisses on each other's cheeks instead of 1 or 2 like we usually do in school.", Harry said grinning.

"Oh God, means I have to place my butter like lips on your concrete like cheeks for umpteenth times", Zayn said, faking pain.

"Oi, you know you love my smooth cheeks Malik.", Harry said placing his hands on his both hips, fake glaring. Then the two friends burst into laughter.

"Now lets get out of the bathroom before our parents too start to think there's something going between us.", Harry said laughing.

"Well there will be something fake going between us in the school and we both gonna enjoy it.", Zayn said cheekily.

"Haha, I can't wait to see Justin's face tomorrow. Oh and wear that leather jacket. Gonna show off my bad boy to everyone.", walking out of the bathroom, Harry said cheekily.

"You are something else Styles.", laughing, Zayn said as they made their way to the kitchen where their moms were cooking and talking about the new romantic movie they both gonna watch together after realising. They smiled at their moms and took two boxes of apple juice and made their way to the living room to watch some telly. They couldn't wait for the next day to come.


Dedicated to zarryslovrrr SamanthaAMMY piggypie213 love-n-war  thanks a lot guys for being there ♡ I love you all :*

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