5. Help

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I have done it again
I have been here many times before
Hurt myself again today
And the worst part is there's no one else to blame
Be my friend
Hold me, wrap me up
Enfold me, I am small
And needy, warm me up
And breathe me

-Breathe Me by Sia

Zayn pulled the t-shirt over his head after taking off the jacket then took the small knife from the kitchen counter. He looked at it for a while then placed the blade on his tanned chest, above his heart.

He slowly cut the skin there and in a second, it started to bleed. Yeah, it pained a little, but it felt so good seeing his own blood, but one is not enough. He needed one more cut. He made another cut just above his nipple and smiled in relief. It did relief a pain a little. He was about to make another cut when he remembered his promise to Harry.

"Promise me, you won't cut again Zayn"

He immediately stopped. Tears brimmed into his eyes. He couldn't believe, he broke his promise. A promise, he made to his best friend.

He threw the knife on the floor and ran towards their bedroom with tears in his eyes. He needed to find Harry, to apologise to him. They never broke any promise they did to each other. He had to apologise.

He walked into their bedroom but frowned not seeing his best friend there.

Must be in the bathroom.

He knocked on the bathroom door and heard his sobs.

"Harry, I'm coming in. I need to tell you something.", Zayn said with teary eyes.

He creak opened the door as the sobs got louder.

"Harry, I-I am s-sorr--", opening the bathroom door he was about to say sorry to his best friend but stopped immediately as soon he saw his best friend on the bathroom floor, hugging his knees to his chest, tear stained face, blood running down his bare waist, staining the top of his black jeans.

He looked up to Zayn and sobbed loudly. He saw the cuts on his best friends chest but didn't say anything. He knew, how much it hurts and how much cutting helps to relief the pain. He himself felt it. But he knew, it was wrong, it was so wrong and he needed to stop. They both needed to stop. They couldn't let those two men ruin their lives.

"P-Please, help me Z-Zayn. I want t-to stop. I wanted to forget him, but I din't know how. P-Please help me Z-Zayn.", sitting on the bathroom floor, with tears streaming down his cheeks, Harry pleaded to Zayn who's eyes were as teary as his best friend. Kneeling in front of Harry, he hugged him. He hugged him tight. Tears streaming down both of their cheeks.

"I-I know Harry. I know i-it h-hurts. Hell, it kills. I-I don't know how to stop myself either.", Zayn said as he cried on Harry's shoulder. Both clinging to each other as if their life dependent on them.

"D-Do you t-think we can h-help each other?", Harry said, his voice muffled in Zayn's shoulder.

Shocked, Zayn softly broke away from the hug to look into Harry's red puffy eyes, mirroring his as well.

"H-How?", Zayn asked, voice cracking due to so much of crying.

Harry didn't say anything. He cupped Zayn's cheeks and looked into his eyes. His eyes weren't puppy brown as Liam's but he had golden rings around his brown orbs. He leaned forward and slowly pecked Zayn's lips. He knew, this was both of their first kiss. He knew, they had been friends from high school after all.

Zayn sat there shocked. After Harry had pulled away, he looked into Harry's eyes. No, they weren't as blue as Louis', but they were green, a shade of blue. He looked deeply into Harry's eyes making Harry think maybe he shouldn't have done it.

"S-Sorry, i-it's j-just--", Harry started bit soon cut off as both Zayn's hands brought him closer by the side of his neck and kissed him softly on the lips.

"We need help and we are best friends. Let's help each other.", Zayn whispered against Harry's lips. Harry nodded and started moving his lips with Zayn's in sync.

The more they kissed, the more they cried. They didn't try to tell each other to stop crying. They knew,  both of them needed to let this all out.

Zayn wrapped his arms around Harry's slim waist, careful, not to open a cut and Harry wrapped his around Zayn's neck, still kissing. He walked out of the bathroom and only broke the kiss to place him in the middle of the bed. He then laid down beside him and pulled the duvet over them and hugged Harry tight.

"Thank you so much Zayn", Harry said as he snuggled more close to his best friend.

"You're welcome. And thank you to you too Harry.", Zayn said as he wrapped his one hand around Harry to pull him more closer.

"You are a good kisser by the way",  Harry giggled against his chest, making Zayn chuckle.

"Oh really? You're a good kisser too, regarding that was your first kiss.", Zayn said making Harry pout a bit and slap lightly on his chest, careful not to hurt the deep cut there.

"Hey, it was your first kiss too", Harry pouted, making Zayn laugh heartily, in a long time.

There fell a comfortable silence around them.

"Zayn, is it too much if I ask for a goodnight kiss?", breaking the silence, Harry said.

Zayn smiled and looked down at his best friend.

"No, it's not.", he said, and leaned down to peck Harry's lips one more time making Harry smile.

"Goodnight Harry."

"Night Zayn"


So I didn't go to college today and stayed at home 'cause I was not feeling well. So I thought, why not two updates in a day?

Hope you guys liked it. :)

Thank you SamanthaAMMY love-n-war zarryslovrrr piggypie213 I love you all so much :* :* ♡

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